I read Jezebel almost daily and it took me a moment to figure out it was Kanye West’s kid. Some stuff is relevant to you, some isn’t.
We have it. All of it. We had one of the earliests and biggests snowfalls on record back on September 26th. It’s snowing lightly right now, it’s a balmy 9 below out, and we will have 4 hours and 4 minutes of daylight!
So what? This isn’t about you.
I really, really, really, wish there was a Kardashian filter so I could cut out this shit. I am tired of it, and at the same time, fond of Jezebel. Or perhaps I am found of what it was. It may be time for a break. The Slot and Pictorial sub-blogs are more my speed than this Cosmo/Hipper Than Thou blather.
Here’s my theory: You have free time to find things to be agrieved about. Just a theory.
If by back in the day (20+ years ago) when I was in college, then - yep. Iranian students called themselves “Persians” on my campus and went on their White-equivalent way. The first Gulf War was underway, but as long as they avoided being called “Iranian,” they were fine.
I watch it each year as part of my holiday movie queue. Apparently I’m supposed to hate it?? Who knew? Fun fact: Anne Reid, who plays the headmistress, can currently be seen on Netflix (and elsewhere) playing the homophobic mother of a lesbian .... headmistress.
I grew up drinking Carnation Evaporated Milk and to this day, it’s what tastes like “real” milk to me, and many of us in my hometown. We had a Carnation plant in town, and it was a lot cheaper than “fresh” milk that got shipped in from over 3,ooo miles away. And by shipped, I mean trucked to a port, slowly sailed on a…
A bunch of my relatives are in Scurlock photos. Including my mom. Take out about half the folks in this shot - and that’s every holiday meal I spent with my District grandparents. The little girl on the front right looks like me at that age. She’s probably a cousin.
Soooo. Since you didn’t do some very basic homework about this place you were moving to, you didn’t know there were lots of brown folks there. But now, you enlightened soul you, feel the need to hector others who do the same thing?
That was delightful. Dude in the back was all “nah,” then by mid-song has the biggest grin on his face. A bunch of pros having fun.
OFFS. Just pre-heat the damned oven to 350, yank out the gizzards & neckbone, put the bird in a pan, grease it down, sprinkle on some salt & pepper, pop it in the oven, and check it about an half hour before it’s done. Put a piece on foil on the top, pull it out a half hour later. For a 9-10 pounder (that’s the “free…
Because of AbFab I once stayed in a hotel in London, selected for its proximityto an Oddbins. AbFab: naughty, and educational too!
Who un-greyed this troll?
Shouting down John Lewis isn’t activism. It’s ego-tripping. And I have zero time for that noise. Hopefully I will learn more about what actually happened, and regain some respect for these folks.
Remember the Chinese woman who came up with the way to re-supply the stranded astronaut?
I’ve seen the movie now, and it has a very diverse cast. And a whole sub-plot involving the Chinese space program. There are several Asian, and Asian American characters, and Benedict Wong’s character is a vital one.
And sometimes, it don’t. Sez the woman who has seen some spectacular GPS failures. And NONE of this is getting me interested in using Uber.
tl;dr Since you are determinded to have the “last word,” go to it, Hoss.