Reasoned unreasonable

That ‘conveyor belt’ was meaningless to the lift generated by the forward motion created by the thrust of the propellor. The airplane was able to move forward to reach aerodynamic lift off, which can be totally independent of forward motion of the airframe. To wit; I once stopped for fuel in Cut Bank, Montana in my

I kept thinking it was a Ball brother except he had form and was consistently making shots.

In addition to being comically wrong, I’m also concerned about how short you think “800 feet” is.

Miata illegally passes over a double yellow on blind turns and almost causes a head on collision? Maybe that’s what was wrong with it? I dunno though, I’m just a human being with eyes.

I always find it funny when dealership employees or any employee for that matter make fun of people who can’t afford a $200k car or other pricy stuff. Dude, you are a sales employee. You can’t afford that shit either, so don’t act all mighty.

Yeah not sure how badly to feel for this guy. So he gets one hour of what it feels like to not be at the top of the food chain? I’d chalk it up to a good life experience!

You also suck at aerodynamics because all you did was look at the Cd and totally ignored frontal area. Drag has two components. Cd is one, frontal area is the other.

If only there was some way to introduce carbon monoxide to the feedback loop that informs the most brainlessly hopeless one-third of the country.

You’re lying. I know you’re lying because you work in the health insurance industry.

I paid less for insurance before ACA for my wife, kids and me. ACA made yearly cost double.

They should repeal the whole thing. Get government out of healthcare.

As someone who is literally alive because of the ACA, I have to second the guy who said fuck you.

On some level, someone could make that (very presumptuous accusation), because with humanity and with community comes the understanding that we should all be in this together on some level. You get to sit at home in your AC, on your couch, and not have to worry about a neighbor who can’t afford to heal themselves if

You paying for other people’s stuff is how any insurance works. Insurance isn’t a savings account that you’re paying into. You not understanding that doesn’t make you soulless, but it doesn’t make you educated on what you’re talking about either.

Nonsense. Your employer screwed it up because they had some old ass plan and got cheap when it came time to change with the ACA.

Yeah, as I said - soulless demon, possibly driven by greed like the GOP. Your apathy will not make you loved in return.

I the irony of McCain, a man who has been eligible for tax-payer funded healthcare his entire adult life (through the military, VA, and Congress) limping back to Washington (pre-existing conditions and all) to kill this bill is just overwhelming.

In an email to me this morning, my mom wrote “You know, I felt bad for McCain last week, but to leave his sick bed in order to take away other people’s health insurance? FUCK HIM.”

I’m just glad John McCain has returned from his sick bed to do away with whatever goodwill remained for him.

This is fucking pathetic. How do these assholes find the door to get out of the house in the morning?