Reasoned unreasonable

Bulls got hosed. The T’Wolves got Jimmy Butler by moving back a few slots in the first round and giving up their backup PG and a guy coming off a torn ACL. I thought Butler would get you more than that.

I hope they keep Rubio on this squad because this team has a huge potential to be tons of fun to watch.

I’d suggest the swerve may have been reaction to a jolt/noise. It’s possible the car didn’t even know there was a bike there in the first place and just gut reaction swerved when it happened. Can’t really tell from the video. I’ve seen enough tunnel vision drivers that if they got a hit to their vehicle coming out

You can certainly hate it, but it’s not a McMansion. It was built in 1850! Maybe Churchill Downs is an homage to this house.

And he isn’t even the best player in the league.

It’s all about the spring and damping rates compared to sidewall flex. Suspensions have gotten so advanced, the aesthetics of a large wheel have become the norm. But a lot of cars fitted with very low-profile tires have mushier suspensions to compensate. It’s been kind of fun to watch...well, except for having to buy

This is the perfect encapsulation of everything wrong in the general population right now.


What about Lebron’s dick kick on Iggy at the end of game 3? How come you guys aren’t posting about that?

Slight correction: he and shumpert were hit with double technicals on the play

Absurd. It’s not that Westbrook held KD back, it’s that Westbrook held—and holds—his entire team back.

It’s my favorite take of the year.

“KD held Westbrook back” and “Westbrook held Durant back” aren’t mutually exclusive statements. They both held each other back from their maximum offensive output. The question is which one of them should have been sacrificing more and given the huge disparity in their supporting casts this year, I don’t think that’s

They did both hold each other back, but not consciously. They knew they had to split up the ball, they just weren’t doing it strategically. It would be Russ has a god, then KD takes the next possession. Team figured it out and started shading the defense to compensate.

LoL, Westbrook is a selfish player who will continue to put up stats on bad to middling team, getting bounced from the playoffs in the 1st or second round year after year. Monster stats mean nothing in the regular season, putting up numbers deep in the playoffs will trump (hate to use that word) regular season numbers

Scorching hot take:

LeBron has no one to blame except himself. He’s a terrible coach and GM.

“Flat Earther Does Something Dumb.”

Why was it in Kyrie’s hands to begin with? I thought LeBron was supposed to be the best player in the world. He can’t tell everyone ‘give it to me GTFO’? Could it be because when it got hard, when the pressure was on, the self-proclaimed king wanted no part of it but the only player on the Cleveland roster with any

What do you want LeBron to do, literally walk over and take the ball out of Kyrie’s hands?