Jackson Smith

Wasn't some other girl the one who didn't actually say "yes"?

I really doubt, as far up the asshole of Alex Jones that he's gone, that Billy Corgan would be interested.

I honestly laughed immediately at the "this got higher ratings than the NFL and 'The Walking Dead!'" text card. No fucking way on Earth.

Wes Bentley needs to be revealed as either speaking with that exact same accent in "real life" as well or a different, even more absurd accent. Wes Bentley and accents is where the magic happens, people.

Will come and ride the train, the choo choo train.

It's better than The Lords of Salem, at least, but ultimately it's another of his movies that only makes The Devil's Rejects look like an increasingly larger total fluke.

Fuck the Bears.

The ending is completely infuriating must-leave-sequel-possible bullshit, even for a slasher.

Suing Dixie Carter makes you a babyface, not a heel.

What on Earth is Terrence Howard doing with his hair

Ben Folds being pissed people know "Brick" is about an abortion was beyond delightful.

Season finale's in two weeks, yeah.

Blue Jean Committee was way better, but this was still amusing in parts. Season finale's already next week? Too quick!

Do the events of this episode mean Wes Bentley isn't going to be on screen talking anymore? Because that would just break my fucking heart, haha.

"Tom's CHANGED! He had a treasonous jerk arrested…FOR TREASON!"

The fuck is this "nobody remembers Frequency" line in both the reviews posted here? It was touching as fuck! lol

Wes Bentley's accent in Freak Show was hilariously horrendous and he's sure giving it a run for its money every time he opens his mouth here…Freak Show's is still worse, but fuuuuuuck.

Between the endings of "Juan" and this, I can't believe this bizarrely hilarious series has made me feel real feelings twice now.

Speak for yourself, "practically no one remembers Frequency"…that was some majorly touching shit.

I know it's him, it's just not on the damn CD, lol