Jackson Smith

I liked Alan Silvestri's stuff for The First Avenger ("Captain America," "Passage of Time," "This is My Choice") and the first Avengers ("A Promise")… *shrug*

Oh, "Aquarius"…I actually like seeing Duchovny as Hodiak, it's a fun character, but damn. The guy playing Manson is such a whiny loser it's unimaginable anybody would've followed him anywhere, regardless how many drugs they were taking. Horrible casting there that pretty much fucked the show.

CHOCO COVERED STRAWBERRY AT #8? That is fucking delicious, people!

I dig this show, it's highly…comforting.

Great, great movie. Also loved Mackenzie's Perfect Sense, phenomenally underrated/underseen.

I never heard about this replacement for "and also with you," every Catholic church I've been to uses that.


"Ugh, get a life."

"You break his neck. Turn him full fucking quad."

"I'll tell you something else, I'll never go to Benihana again. I don't care whose birthday it is."

Swim Shady tried soooooo fucking hard to make "JEAH!" happen. Almost as awful as inciting an international incident because you bullshitted to your mom.

Eh, it'd be for the best if that last awful season of the show was it, if that's how the show was going to be post-enormous fame.

After FNL was turned into one of the best TV shows of its decade, I highly doubt that's gonna happen twice. Plus the book and movie were miles better than Varsity Blues anyway.

Ehhh, a kid punching another kid with brass knuckles deserves a suspension, not popcorn.

Magically awful, sure.

It's Vin who is the candyass.

"You have gigantic titties."

He's the babyface, just like the 112 other times it seemed to some like they had to be doing something else. They're not, lol. He's The Guy, now and forever.

Yep. What depush? Same old shit.

The Beatles definitely exist in the world of That Thing You Do! - "whoa, not THOSE moptops!" among the many references to them.