
I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that the Republican Muslim Coalition isn’t too gay friendly.

when the pastors start stoning women and gays, yes. In fact when the Muslim leaders start stoning women and gays we should arrest them too.

Question would be for those Asian exchange students, including the ones from places like India where they can have pretty dark skin. They feel dumped on and excluded and “micro” aggressed? How about the African exchange students? Exchange students from Bolivia, Chile and Mexico? Before hopping on this bandwagon of the

You’re making this look like America’s dumbest generation. Millennials living up to their reputation. Complaining about how good they have it. Fucking best education on the planet, opening doors of opportunity 99.999% of humans that have ever existed couldn’t dream of, and this is what they do with it: Whine?!?

The fact that they are terrorists is specifcally the reason why it’s important not to let them win. For one, it’s a morale shot against the people being attacked. It tells them that these assholes can dictate how they spend their lives. It tells them that some asshole with an email account, regardless of actual threat

Prof. Brigham is at least partially right. That email and the person who sent it along are garbage. Don’t let them win. Let them stew in their own emotional and intellectual excrement. But if that’s what he was thinking, he should’ve probably been clear about it. His response to questions was cold.

No, the question asks if we could conceivably feel the same way about a man mutilating his wife’s vagina if she abused him, cheated on him, raped him, etc. I think it’s an interesting question worth considering.

Women should take the same advice and no one cares what women do with their bodies with thier own money.

sounds like she should be in prison. people who do shit like that are sick, and it’s rarely a one time thing—if you look into her past you would likely find others who were abused by her in some way. i’m just saying i don’t judge people who violently defend themselves against someone who is physically

I feel like that as well. Unless it was in the moment, chopping someone’s shlong is not acceptable, sorry.

That’s very medieval logic. One of my former partners was raped by his ex-girlfriend (he woke up to her riding him). It was a horrible betrayal of trust and has taken him some therapy to get over, but I wouldn’t condone him hunting her down and mutilating her.

I promise that I'm not trolling and I understand the guy was a fizzy douche, but how is this ok? If a guy was married to a mentally and physically abusive women, would it be ok for him to cut off her tits? Again, I realize that he was an asshole but if the tables were turned.......?

I don’t mean to be harsh, but she looks at least a decade, if not two, older than 46.

Donald Trump’s a performer who’s been in the public eye for the past 40 years. He’s also a pretty liberal guy, who believes in national healthcare, abortion, a net worth tax on millionaires, gay rights, against the Iraq war, etc, etc, etc.

SNL had many, many great years “back in the day” but I honestly haven’t watched it more than occasionally because, yeah, it’s terrible.

That was my husband’s ship coming home for a surprise 2 month stop for Christmas in the middle of deployment! (that extended them on the backside! -_-) Got married like three days later.

I was born and raised in Texas and live in Mississippi. Lived down here all my life. Half Mexican, with a Mexican wife and two kids who look pretty brown. Never had a problem. Not a single damn problem. So, yeah, things are getting a lot better for families like mine.

How do we know the guy knew he had Chlamydia? I caught it twice when I was in my twenties and only found out by accident both times. Most guys have no symptoms. Maybe he got it the first time, took his meds and got rid of it, then caught it again from some other chick. This woman is a flat out wack job.

Serious? She’s not a victim. They guy didn’t assault her. Guys and gals give each other venereal diseases all the damn time. Wear a condom, or don’t play, or if you don’t wear a condom, take your chances.
