Hot take: Nobody lost or won anything. It was a barely disguised excuse for them to get together and do burnouts and shit in a parking lot, and they say as much on one of the Extra videos they put up on MToD.
Hot take: Nobody lost or won anything. It was a barely disguised excuse for them to get together and do burnouts and shit in a parking lot, and they say as much on one of the Extra videos they put up on MToD.
Calm down there, Satan.
Bah! My Steyr M95/34 laughs at the Enfield recoil! 8x56mmR is where the real horse kicking is to be had!
Bronco III, Tokyo Drift
Jesus, take the wrench
Hecho en Mexico, hombre
Lol now I am imagining Luke out in the desert before the movie begins shooting wamp rats and finding a Jedi Hero token in the middle of nowhere, which kickstarts the Star Wars movies.
“Why do they keep charging straight at the AT-ATs and getting invariably shot out of the sky?”
The Bills... You CHOSE to root for the Bills... I know one other Bills fan, but he grew up in Buffalo and was thus destined by birth to suffer. But you CHOSE this path.
During Super Bowl 25, 7-year-old me asked my dad who was playing. Given the choice between rooting for the Giants or the Bills, I arbitrarily chose the Bills and have been a life-long, perpetually-suffering, fan ever since.
They don’t call it the ‘Silent Service’ for nothing. The world of U.S. Navy submarine operations may be shadowy, but…
*Insert 22,000+ word essay raging about something*