Norse Ninja

I understand what you’re saying. Monsters are these mythical, rare, once in a while, slayable terrors. They’re a more recognizable evil. People think they’d recognize a monster as being different and somehow recognize them on the street.

I kind of think he was doing just fine with his scavenged spray paint and lighter. He wasn’t exactly losing that battle, and the photo is inspiring to hundreds of thousands of people to get off their white asses and do something about the nazi scum.

Troll. Probably also a pasty little tighty-whitey who is jelly that all the girls think the black guy is hotter than they are...

He so badly out-manned them. It looks effortless. Like he’s spraying for termites.

Totally agreed. The short, round, to-go baggie of mayonnaise looks 100% emasculated in this photo (and probably irl). As a blonde, blue-eyed woman of breeding age, I can say that if they want to keep their precious, cholesterol-filled blood “pure,” then maybe they should focus on being more physically attractive as