I went through the same thought process two days ago (With Horizon 3, no less!). In the end, I settled on buying it for a few reasons:
I went through the same thought process two days ago (With Horizon 3, no less!). In the end, I settled on buying it for a few reasons:
Nah the Eagles haven’t lost yet. Then you have the most Philly thing ever
Sometimes Philly fans throw shit at Santa. Sometimes they throw shit at Trump and/or Trump proxies. You win some, you lose some.
I’d throw in “shitty fan behavior” too although this guy probably deserved it.
This is the most Philadelphia moment ever: the Eagles, uncool white guys, troubling political views, Amoroso rolls.
I used to think like this until I had the opportunity to talk to a driver. Most people have no idea how much science goes into driving a race car. Drivers know a lot about physics, as well as being able to recognize what is going on with their car and how to diagnose and solve problems. Air pressure in tires, drag,…
my brain, it all hurts now..
Pretty sure that’s a Lame Bro
Is “brake failure” the new “tire pressure was 2psi off?”
“Some kinda brake failure”
Came for some 1%er carnage. Left disappointed...
Looks like the “brake failure” there was a failure to use them early enough.
Life comes at you fast...and reality hits you hard, BRO, YOU CAN’T PANIC IN THAT SITUATION, YOU JUST GOTTA LOOK AROUND AND SAY “WHAT AM I GONNA DO?!?”
I hope that Limp Bizkit hat is Snell rated.
I believe the tape is from the cops trying to piece the light back together in the hopes of making it easier to identify what car it came from.
That’s a wheel cover and a red taillight lens.
Eh, from the other angle, people can get anxious when they see that someone saw a message and isn't responding though.