
I do not condone this but while in drive, with foot on the brake, an automatic transmission temperature will rise, if extended in can actually be harmful to the fluid. I drive a manual and leave it in neutral with foot on the brake. In my automatic work car, just foot on brake, because work car and I doubt any damage

This video is amazing. So much smile. “Great city of Texas”. Such a breath of fresh air for F1.

Yinz. Yous. I don’t even know what I say. Definitely not y’all or the 2 I started the comment with. Interesting point on fridge. Never did notice that. Time I start paying attention to this English thing.

Appears he’s on private property so I sure hope not. *might of took your comment too seriously.

Hey commenters this is a car blog not some fps blog. This shit looks epic 23.pi or 24.infinity I don’t care, I watched the trailer on an iPhone with a cracked screen anyway.

You win there internets.

Was that the black 240? Prior to you saying that I was thinking it was Ryan Turecks New Hampshire driveway?... but idk either way I was sure it wasn’t their footage.

They were mostly car alarm noises. Except Tajima, no noise maker on his EV

Can someone explain the pick the phone up and it will light up feature. I have a 6 and this doesn't happen for me?

Still dunno why I’m grayed. Thought I’ve been ungrayed multiple times. Maybe it was on gawkers other sites? What a silly system.

I've recently expressed my hate of the mic as well.

I would like to add: I hate your mic. I hate your rope lamp. I like the Denver shirt.

You mother fucker. Guess I'm buying the book(s)

I live off Wads. Eyes officially peeled.

Insurance would cover under comprehensive. Normally stupidity is not excluded on personal auto policies.

Where the fuck is your head at Klaus!

A few extra inches usually does. Couldn't resist.

Looked quick. Not sure on speed limit though.

1. It would not be a comprehensive claim.

Recently moved to Denver. Slightly different but an unoccupied running car (think winter) is called a “puffer”. It's also illegal. And the bill is so dated it doesn't account for remote starters, they are also illegal.