
L3 was not a ‘feminist’ - she was a droids’ rights activist.

‘Feminine’ and ‘feminist’ are not synonyms.

Would we describe L3 as “feminist”? ‘Cause that seems weird considering her whole thing is “droid rights” (a complicated, probably ill-advised character choice in the first place) and while she is voiced, animated and scripted in a traditionally “feminine” way she never remarks (as far as I can recall, anyway) upon

Then I guess it’s not Goyer’s inadequacies that were on the screen.

I think you are giving Goyer too much authorship over this movie. Pretty sure he was just a comic wikia for the Nolan brothers to work from.

“Not providing a back story for your villain (and constantly creating baited detours for what it may be) makes the villain more mysterious and threatening.” That was what I always thought was the best part about The Joker as a character. He doesn’t need a backstory. He’s inexplicable, a creature who can’t be

This is neither “noice” nor “tight”.  Terry does not love this news.

Shannon works best as a man straining against, and advancement within, an authoritarian structure he finds himself a cog of. Doom *is* the system, so that kind of freedom wouldn’t fit.

The best Doom? Javier Bardem. Has the range, chews the scenery, has that occasional touch of whimsy among the violence, heck, even

LOL at the idea that Big Hotel is the only one suffering here.

New Orleans has tried to do something similar (although enforcement....meh), except that they are allowing whole home/apartment rentals up to 90 days per year. skip a few slow weekends and you can basically rent it out all year during weekends when people actually visit and pay big money anyway. In our city,

This isn’t a’s a press release.

And similarly, just because something is character development doesn’t mean that it doesn’t play phony and contrived in a movie!

How can such false notes survive in what appears to be a passion project for all involved?

I mean no disrespect to Mr Jones when I say this, but could we hear more from Pryor’s widow? That quote from her was gold. Interview her.

I like the movie all right - there are parts I adore. And I don’t mean to be a internet contrarian . . . but that fight scene really falls flat for me. I know I’m alone on this, but to me it’s an example of part of the problems the new trilogy is grappling with. It’s beautiful, and well choreographed, and when it

When property values go up, quality of life improves for everyone

The solution is what you suggested. More tenant and consumer protection. We need better laws or better enforcement against insane rent hikes and the like.

Two thumbs up from me for portraying a trio of white middle-class actors as the villains, however inept and pathetic they me.

He’s more Joker than Hamill now, twisted and evil.

American Gods the book read as a grounded, dirty, washed out reality. Think the aesthetics of The Wire or David Michod’s Animal Kingdom and the Rover. On the Road. Stuff like that. The hyper real, zany outfits and colors Fuller filled the show with are the opposite of that. The tone matters.

Well...okay. That is unfortunate.