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    N R

    Mea culpa—I just remembered them as a “new” species to the TOS crew. Not that the Federation must have uniformly, perfectly updated databases across its many edge-pushing starships, but... well, I said I didn’t expect a satisfying explanation. I understand Enterprise might be unjustly maligned, but from the Memory

    This episode is what put a name to the thought. But the whole show so far, and particularly its setup shown in this episode combining dangerous/mysterious/ambiguous in various quantities to make its stories main drivers—the technology, the captain, the ship’s mission—”compelling” smelled to high heaven of that

    Reminds me almost precisely of the tone of that Vox feature on how Radiohead’s “videotape” is The Most Complicated Song Possible because it starts on a pickup and employs syncopation.

    runner up is, "is this a dream?"

    "and in fact there’s ongoing disagreement/discovery on how much oxygen really has to do with either"

    Ain't that thick nor that sweet, promise.

    Birmingham (abovementioned Miss Myra's, formerly Roundtree's) and I guess Jeff. County generally has been onto white sauce for, well, a little over 31 years.

    It was definitely a bit of an exchange, as Alabama started importing Nashville Hot a couple years ago too.

    It is in fact tremendously more effective on chicken than pulled pork. Good on both, but really makes a difference with poultry.

    Ain't a problem with the chopped pork mess if it's right, and sometimes the vinegar serves it, but that mustard sauce is the shit.

    Alabaman or Alabamian are both fine.

    Controversial retort: you don't need the sugar, and, if after mixing it up you feel like you do, just mix a spoon of cane syrup or sorghum into it. Do go ahead and replace the white vinegar with apple cider vin if that sounds appealing to you, though. White sauce is dear to me, but it's basically mayo vinaigrette with

    Hey, it wasn't you doing it. Hell, might not have even been Gaiman getting it wrong this time. Big ol' game of telephone.

    Eh, apparently this incredibly fascinating debate has already gone down in the io9 comments.

    I… as far as I know, there is no town in Alabama called Vulcan. The Vulcan statue is in Birmingham, because of iron and steel. Just so long as we're sending in our corrections. Not that Fuller explicitly said "the statue of Vulcan is in a town called Vulcan," But Michael Green also related the Gaiman story to

    Gabriel's abrupt turn at the end, in response to Philip asking about Stan's girlfriend, felt so much like Justin reacting to a tarantula box being opened: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

    Just as likely, given all turkeys' stupidity: One turkey tried to walk in a straight line, and all the others followed in the resulting circle.

    Missed this "giant discussion," can't figure out where it is or even where to start looking. How you find, please? Inquiring mind much thanks.

    TBH the event itself and the musical procession (which were oddly semi-independent) were both very strange, verging on unsettling in the midst of early Carnival French Quarter. The procession by itself really failed to be rousing—and in fact felt a little flimsy for such a seemingly chock-full combination. Moreover it