Mark Wahlberg - Rockstar music blares through the stadium
Mark Wahlberg - Rockstar music blares through the stadium
The music cue in the broadcast is odd. More like “lay down and scream”
Dennis Leary jacks off to that vignette.
Hopefully some good PrideFC stories. The stories by fighters during the Pride days are great. Hunt was a big part of a lot of cards. Did Hunt have any good ones?
why you gotta be such a cunt
Please dont overlook Berman’s, “Rack and Pinion hit.”
... also the ability to drink most people under the table. - I never got how that was possible.
I wish the video didn’t have that crappy music blaring.
Russell Wilson’s head is 100% water.
I liked this better the first time I saw it when it was called Star Wars Kid.
I cant pinpoint it, but something about this sets off my bullshit meter.
for some reason i thought she was talking about some special operation that had Navy SEALS kicking down doors with golf clubs empowering themselves. She is so stupid my brain didn’t know what the fuck she was trying to say.
according to this segment FOX hires at least one women that is currently blowing a navy seal in florida.
The Military fucked up years ago by lowering physical standards for women in the military. It should have always been one standard. With the Rangers now, at least it looks like its moving in the direction of inclusion based on one standard.
what do you mean? she said “SEAL Commando try outs.” Once you pass BUDs its right into Hero Squad.
Richard Marcinko is a massive dildo. “SEAL Commando team tryouts” - what the hell is that?
I watched this movie so many times 20 years ago. it was awesome.
I thought that movie was awesome.