thats correct, I’m probably wrong. There has never been a conventional war. “Conventional War” - its defined for Blorpps sake. I feel like im taking crazy pillz
thats correct, I’m probably wrong. There has never been a conventional war. “Conventional War” - its defined for Blorpps sake. I feel like im taking crazy pillz
my assumption is thats how conventional war is defined. so it would make sense how these war games work. its pretty black and white
Since 1945, conventional conflict has always been defined as the abstention of WMDs. It’s only the past few decades where unconventional means asymmetric.
I’m watching it
still military vs military, it would make sense for Russia to win.
Conventional war means Military vs Military, excluding industry or resource interests. No war has been fought like that in a long time. just battles to decide a war, not economics, resources, or growth. like the spanish or french lost to many ships so they lost a war. although there was probably a lot of sabotage, so…
Total War is moving all industry towards a war effort. developing WMDs is usually part of that. conventional war is not a good term and is usually thrown around. its a game theory term. and not a realistic route for any beligerant.
I don’t think there has ever been a conventional war. perhaps some of the old naval wars in europe or china.
Learn what conventional war means, its very simple. World War 2. I recomend you learn more about that war and the world at the time. The numbers are insane. bombing ball bearing factories, or oil field makes it un-conventional. Most of the war effort for all was trying to destroy the enemies industry. direct action…
the hell you talking about? do you know what a conventional war is? or is it a sarcasm joke.
i agree. when was the last conventional war? middle ages?
when is it ever conventional warfare?
It was godzilla... or Mothra!
Damn, the Pride and UFC days were good.
I’ve hear odd stories from people who have had encounters with War Machine. A few were from people who went to highschool with him. War Machine was a violent maniac sack of shit and you should give him a wide birth. Other stories about people who trained him being equally bad weirdos.
I still think it looks really god damn dumb.
One of the better shows hes had recently.