
The problem with kinetic energy storage is that people will drive around playing bumper-cars to power their transportation needs. That might be fun for a few minutes, but I wouldn’t want to be getting *bumped* into every *bump* few *bump* seconds *bump* during *bump* my *bump* commute.

Also Its a rotary so its comparing displacement with a cylinder engine is comparing apples to walnuts. But as I said I AGREE power to weight is more important that power to displacement. BUT I tried to make a point with easily googlable facts that 555hp wasnt underpowered for a production engine in a luxury sports car

Gawker: You must do a Black Panther post.

Maybe the Wakandans want cars, not merely need cars.

Did somebody say black panther?

That person only changed half of their tires.

Jason has more important things on his mind instead of proper tense.

Thinking about rebadging my Malibu

I feel pretentious saying this, and it isn’t my intention, I just think this goes to show how far off of people’s radar this car was, but this was the case for a while.

Now now-give a bit of a break here. You got to remember you are talking about an old southerner here. He also stayed completly dry - never taking any money from beer or liquor sponsorship because he told his mother he wouldn’t. (Which screwed up NASCAR big time because he wouldn’t put Bud shootout stickers on his car,

Thats his policy if you work for him. If you don’t like it. Don’t ask him for a job. If you don’t like living in this great country. Leave it. I hear the border south of us is open in both directions....

The Deltic is almost the final answer to the question “what’s the most complex engine you could come up with?”

Wow, that’s like “suck, squeeze, bang, blow”, but more... exhausting.

Lots of race trucks still use the TTB front end. I agree that lack of a four-door body had a lot to do with the Bronco’s demise, but there was a four-door version (sort of) called the Centurion. I say “sort of” because a Centurion was built on a shortened truck chassis, and some had VINs starting with 1FT instead of

Yes. Most of my friends think so too.

It is, and that’s one of my favorite types of modifications; variations that could have come from the factory, but never did.

The driver should be fine. Top fuel cars do 0-100 in less than a second. Leah Pritchett did 330.63 mph in 3.640 seconds for the new NHRA record last year.

Well now you have done it! You have named the company that shall not be named in these forums!