Okay...I gotta note it here...That is ostensibly a car scrapyard and it is neater that my apartment. How do the Japanese pull this off? Even places that should be superfund sites are painfully neat!
Okay...I gotta note it here...That is ostensibly a car scrapyard and it is neater that my apartment. How do the Japanese pull this off? Even places that should be superfund sites are painfully neat!
It’s one of those “so bad it’s good” kinda things: if you pointlessly lift your mall crawler bro truck or slam your Civic with stretched tires and a silly stance camber you’re not being creative, you’re just conforming to a different norm and ruining your vehicle’s performance at the same time.
Actually on the few instances I’ve experienced them.. they’ve actually been rather polite. They will rev their motos in harmony at a stoplight to create a semblance of music.. sometimes they can replicate actual songs. That is kind of impressive.
But when they’re revving on a work night at 2 am and you wake up from…
Yep, and a lot of it is really badly done, as shown by the video. I’d say that there’s a certain charm in people fucking up terrible vanilla cars in order to have a fucked up car. Saw a high school kid driving an old nissan pickup that was bone stock except for the bozo stanced wheels sticking out of it. Gave him a…
Buncha Bōsōzoku haters here. Sheesh. If ya hate it so much don’t click on the article.
I love Bosozoku it’s fun and loud. It’s just about building something that’s is crazy and silly and kind of obnoxious.
I’ll take Bosozuko over stanced, donks, and coal rolling diesel bros any day. At least Bosozuko has a sense of humor to how stupid and ridiculous it is.
I think it’s safe to say I’m one of the few people that really appreciates the bosozoku culture. It’s basically a big “fuck you!” to society norms and how they want to modify your car!
Being weird and tasteless is the whole point of it. I’d never build one myself, but they’re fun to look at.
Wow, she’s so cute when she shoots me.
yeah the hand purse, and handbags sure, which I never understood, but only the richest and super rich uses the trunks for traveling and certainly don’t see them traveling with normal people. Those stack-able trunks started the LV brand hundred plus years ago. That one above is 8000 plus. To be honest, for modern…
The Mercedes 600 Grosser is a favorite of dictators.
Isn’t that the Tunt private cabin?
Of course private jets are nouveau riche. True wealth is paying people to wait for you to arrive.
“To me, light represents thoughts”
To be fair, there are some jackoffs in Forza doing impressive work.
Wow and I though last year’s car really phoned it in. This brings that to a whole new level. Now every jackoff with Forza can consider themselves for an art car.
I enjoyed the story and have no comments on its content, but there is a tangential call into question of Torch’s character: “The chewability index of those things is generally off the charts.”
Stupid question but could you use a Kong on a Bus in lieu of the VW part? I have a Kong and it’s pretty stiff rubber.