
I doubt it matters in Japan but man isn’t that just the cleanest crown vic?

I bet its like a handful, not all, but a handful of custom made products like this. It will be molded to the individual owners max uttermost comfort, but at the same time probably won’t be obnoxiously uncomfortable to another user. Its more like a custom made lounge chair, and less like a custom pair of shoes which

Japan’s police use a standard paint scheme nationwide so they’re a lot easier to spot:

That front end on the Supra comes from Top Secret, who made a V12 Supra with that kit back in like 2006.

Jesus. they all park WITHIN the lines.

YIKES. Glad you’re okay!

My 160cc Honda mower this week, while mowing tall grass, caught a piece of wire that had been moved from our garden. That piece hit me in the chest and caused me to have a hole in my shirts (thank goodness I had on a sweatshirt) and my skin. The bruise is 3" wide with the impact wound about .25" wide. Knocked the wind

Only in a Torch article could a lawnmower be better than a Demon.

Ice cube says, “meh.”

I’d buy the shit out of one of these and have no desire to wrench on cars beyond swapping wheels over.

No worse than the people who haven’t driven them who claim they don’t handle, aren’t good for anything other than the drag strip, aren’t street legal, etc. etc.

From what I’ve heard from those who have driven them, the thing about the Demon is that it’s not some crazy nitro burning funny car. It can be used as a normal car. Will many people do that? Probably not. But if you want one as a sunny day weekend cruiser, it will do so happily with civility and good manners. It

Who spends that much money on a car they can only use to it’s full abilities on drag strips?

Damn, I was rather close.

$86K (add dealer market adjustment here) Road car + HP + mega ad hype = can’t make enough.

Shoot, Porsche will charge you at least that to LEAVE THINGS OFF!

Porsches shaking their head. Silly Dodge don’t ye know you can get $2500 per item?

The mini-figure crash engineers designed it this way on purpose. You see, the shedding of the blocks bleeds energy to protect the plastic occupants. You should have seen the damage when crashing 1930s tin cars into barricades. Yeah, the outside looked better but the damage to the occupants was gruesome. If you look at

I want to see this test repeated with 1/18 scale diecast cars. I think they would do quite well.

Where was this guy?