
I'll be sure to contemplate this as one of them points an AK at me the next time I'm down range. Maybe since they're innocent and brainwashed, their bullets don't kill as effectively as the die hards.

I scored 4 Skeletools today actually. Fo' free. Two CX type and two regular. I work for a non-profit and we get into the Federal Surplus Warehouses to buy things we need. They're amazing. Among actual useful stuff like trucks, tractors, and furniture, they also get anything taken off people or picked up at airports

Good show.

Haters gonna hate. Can't avoid it.

I like people who make excuses and blame everyone else or the "man" or the "system" for why they can't get ahead. It makes so much more room for those of us who don't accept the same weak ass excuses and whining way of life. Plus they make good employees...

I'm just glad to see that there are people out there that remain flabergasted, as I do, at what some folks consider art these days.

Some people would be wrong. Putting a shoe on a table and assigning it some asinine meaning does not take artistic talent or insight.

I always get a kick out of that as well. You ask someone, "So you drink good beer? Micro brews?" They say oh yeah, Heineken, or Blue Moon...that's another one.

Haha yes indeed he would. You must know him...

That's a good catch. I guess I was thinking about all of them rather than just lockers.

Outstanding post.

My thoughts exactly. And I mean even AMGA doesn't "certify" climbers. Guides, Single-Pitch Instructors, yes. But not climbers in general. And you wouldn't really go taking an AMGA course unless you were in it for the long haul. SPI only last for three years, the other two (I forget the titles) are indefinite.

Well yeah, but sport rack or trad, you still have a huge amount of metal hanging off of you. I mean people replace entire sets of draws or 'biners in order to save a few grams on each that add up to pounds across the whole rack. Adding that back through some "steel inserts" is unlikely to seem like a winner for a lot

Good intel and a minimum of fuss?

The intent of my OP was to encourage Mark to keep his comment to himself within this particular forum. I have no problem with him sharing his opinion. I take issue with the way he worded and the fact that he chose this article to share it in. Of course, he still has every right to do so. I just think its poor form and

Actually, if you read books such as Ghost Wars and Jawbreaker you will see that we did have a number of things percolating in Afghanistan through the 90's and into the new century. We may not have had anyone on the ground in a military manner immediately following the attack on 9/11, but you will also see that we

Sorry my man, but you are as likely to be wrong as I. It may be Twain, but there are numerous sites on the web that attribute to Lincoln who was of course dead by the time Twain was 30 so there's not nearly as much likelihood Lincoln could have stolen from Twain as Twain having re-appropriated it from Lincoln. I was

You're an idiot. Keep your opinions to yourself when responding to articles like this. This article is about a man who gave his damnedest to serve his country and—more importantly if you ever talk to just about any combat Soldier—to protect the men next to him that had been entrusted to his care as a Platoon Sergeant.

I suppose I mean just "left-wing" as a general stereo-type. Or even just that "people who find it easy to blame guns and violent tv or video games or whatever for all our problems because that's so much more convenient than taking some personal responsibility and forcing others to do the same." We are such a nation of

That's the most flawed logic ever. Really? As said by the other poster, can you actually produce a back story about a single school shooter that become involved with a love for firearms because they got to hold one at a family day or some other military related event? I'm not going to do the research, and just go out