I saw in the credits his name is "Red"!
I saw in the credits his name is "Red"!
and gorgeous eyebrows!
If Shelley says James is "cool; he's always been cool"
then I promise to keep my mouth shut
and not make fun of James
ever again.
I like The Eveolotion of The Arm because it seems a callback/development to whatever idea Lynch was going for with the cover design of Julee Cruise's THE VOICE OF LOVE.
Also, I want to thank you for giving us a real review, not just a "recap".
Recaps have no value for me; I want discussion!
"Lynch is one of the few directors who can make me feel like I’m not. Not safe, and not on the other side of the glass."
That's how I read it as well.
… I still feel like we've got so much to talk about…
I still don't feel satisfied with THE SCOPE of Gilead.
It makes it look like its some NorthEastern cult run by Aunt Lydia, rather than a nationwide system.
She IS being too openly snarky & rebellious.
There's some photos posted from ALIAS GRACE, the next Margaret Atwood miniseries!
Max Minghella is really snapping my bean, too.
This episode veered away from the book the most so far.
Surely, this will be one of the last moments of the season finale!
In the book, Serena Joy comes across as a ridiculous, almost comic figure.
This Serena Joy is much more sharp and serious.
I, too, thought that scene of Offred spilling the beans to the Ambassador was a fantasy.
At least WHISPER!
"… so watch me do it on EVERY EPISODE!"
It looks very exciting
at the same time
haven't we seen this before?
The show could have benefited from opening up more as an ensemble; a great cast underutilized.
I noticed that the original pilot was recut, and scenes with the younger characters that had been included were parceled out to episodes 2 & 3.
That says to me that the plan had been to focus more on these parallel worlds of…
Also, notice how DIFFERENT Hahn's body language is from her character on TRANSPARENT!
She IS a completely different person, the whole center of balance, posture, everything!