Norn Cutson

I've been worried all week that Pete & Tricia are gonna make a suicide pact.

Hopefully not TOO many.

I hope he gets back together with Valerie Cherish!

The framing device of this film is PURE FICTION.

This is a great response.
I just tell people, "Listen to FOUR WOMEN and think about it."

So he'll probably kill her, too.

Its an investment.

What a joy to see Sylvia happy!
Rhonda doesn't bother with coffee, starts the day off with liquor.
Horace is so passive-aggressive with Pete; he accompanies him to the appointment, but its just too difficult for him to simply say "Fine" when asked how Pete is doing.
Tricia's talk about how learning to live with terror is

… and that both Pete & Tricia were able to LAUGH about it!
That gives me hope.

He has a little notebook that he scribbles things in, and a little piece of paper he folds and unfolds.

Virkam, I know that you've been asked MULTIPLE TIMES to stop putting spoilers in the headlines.

Because they don't consider anyone else "real people", just objects to be used as needed.
But I don wonder why he continued to lie to Cathy. after she signaled that she knew what was going on and would be on-board, if only Frank was truthful with her.
And Frank just can't tell the truth.

I thought it was so interesting that Cathy signaled, multiple times, that she knew what was going on, and would be on-board with it.
Yet Frank still continued to lie, right to her face.

I REALLY NEED TO KNOW if this was a coup or Willimon willingly resigned.

I got a warm feeling when I heard "SLUGLINE"!

I'm in earnest!
I was just thinking about some of the comments I've seen complaining about the price, "this adds up to more than my netflix", etc,… and how you just can't COMPARE this by "price" because NO ONE ELSE is doing THIS.

It reminds me of when the UNBREAKABLE KIMMY SCHMIDT reviewer got offended on behalf of all Native Americans.
And then never addressing it when posters identifying as Native commented that they thought it was funny!

Don't you feel proud to support it?
I do!

I was so bummed out when none of the family hugged Alice earlier, and then I was in PAIN watching Sylvia and Horace NOT hug at the end….. It was a physical relief when they did!

I loved it.
I felt it was brave to even make the attempt.
Hey, that kind of reminds me of Shapiro's monologue.