Norn Cutson

I DO wish the storylines would slow down a LITTLE this season; last season was toooo sloowwwww, but I would've liked to spend more time with Frank out of commission, and many of the upcoming stories.

Meechum's just so darned cute!!!

I'm so glad that there's SO MANY characters this season!
That's what stunk about S3; we just saw the same 6 people, over and over again.
And ITS GREAT that so many characters from the past come back!
HOC seemed to shed characters between seasons, and that really contributed to the sense - and boredom - of "FRANK GETS

I'm watching Ep 9 tonight!

My favorite thing about this season is Kathy Durant's ever-increasing "OH, SHIT" face.

I don;t think this review schedule is gonna work….

this is news to me!

And I was someone who'd written off the show as an eye-rolling hate-watch by the end of Season 3!

I regarded HOUSE OF CARDS as an eyerolling hate-watch by the end of Season 3, but I am happy to report that with episode 5 of the new season, I am more excited about it than I've ever been!

I hope this is vague enough, but Episode 5 turned a corner, and now I am more excited about the show than ever.
Let's see if it sustains.

Jenny's line about "Nobody's impressive anymore", as a way to take the pressure off Pete, resonated with me. My peers and I all feel like we've already achieved whatever heights that we're going to in this life, and from here on in, its just maintaining.

As Pete said last week: "It MIGHT get better"

I wonder why this episode didn't have an INTERMISSION between the two parts?
Seems like a natural choice.

That was BRUTAL.
It really struck me like lightening: Horace is an ASSHOLE.
I mean, I knew he'd done rotten things before, but I could empathize: "People do things, things happen, etc"… but actually SEEING it happen; FUCKING MEAN.
And a shock, because I had assumed he and Sylvia WANTED Pete to be happy… but they seemed

Fantastic production surrounding little substance.

I bet that will be the last 10 minutes of the very last episode.

The serious tone is narcotic for me.

I genuinely like Heidi!
She certainly deserved to be treated better.

This is what I mean when I say "HOUSE OF CARDS *looks* like a good show…
and it *sounds* like a good show….

Thank you for correcting me; I did not realize Heidi was playing "Elise".