I thin she was just mopping in a hallway and someone said her name in passing….
I thin she was just mopping in a hallway and someone said her name in passing….
There was more attention to detail in the visuals, for certain.
I agree, this is Gloria's Season!
With this episode, I felt the recognition of "AHHH, ★THIS★ is the OITNB that I know and love!"
I think the show wants us to understand that Healy BELIEVES he's good.
…. And you know Healy believes, with all his heart, that HE is THE GOOD GUY!!!!!
I got REALLY worried for Soso.
It reminded me of Titus's "THERE IS NO ENTOURAGE 2!!!!"….
That tone works for KIMMY, but not for OITNB.
Sometimes it ★DOES★ come across as wacky summercamp hijinks.
I LIKE Alex, away from Piper,,
Her talk in S1 with Nicky was compelling; its a shame they never really mixed her up with the rest of the cast.
Pretend it only lasted three seasons, and its a great show.
,,, and notice Piper NEVER GIVES ONE MOMENTS THOUGHT to how this might affect ANYONE ELSE involved….
She must feel like she WAS.
It stuck out like a sore thumb.
I don't know if anyone's noticed, but they've cut back on the incidental music in this season.
Schilling was working overtime to sell that monologue, but it was so tonally different from the rest of the show… like, "HEY GUYS, REMEMBER, WE'RE A COMEDY!!!!"
Thanks, I hadn't caught her name.
I like Piper, but I was ready to shiv her myself when she wouldn't stop teasing Alex about her fears.
That was not cool, and really got to me.
They've never tried to integrate Alex with anyone but Piper and Nicky. Its s shame.
It seems like "Danny" is at the bottom of the ladder at MCC… a "Daddy's Boy", if you will.
Piper ON A MISSION is the most enjoyable Piper!