You've never watched SCTV?!?!?!!
You've never watched SCTV?!?!?!!
The AUTO-TUNE THE NEWS guys are legit; they are ★NOT★ the same douches who autotuned and made fun of Charles Ramsey when he helped rescue the women who'd been kidnapped and held hostage by Ariel Castro.
I loved that visual!
I'm more disturbed by the image of a wealthy white boy being "given" a black man to BEAT WITH A BASEBALL BAT & GOLF CLUB AS "BIRTHDAY ENTERTAINMENT" in the previous episode than Jacqueline's Native American Heritage.
I love Carol Kane, but for some reason, all of Lillian's lines… I SEE THEM WRITTEN, I see them BEING WRITTEN… They don't feel as natural and organic as the other characters' lines.
She has never moved me before…
I've appreciated her, thought she was funny…
But that last line went right to my heart.
The scenes with the parents, and disowning her culture, made me uncomfortable, but the final scene in the mirror was so touching that it paid off.
That was really the moment My Heart Opened Up to This Show.
THAT was The Moment that Opened My Heart to this show!
I agree; there is a difference between a "review" and a "recap".
Even if one does not like this show, it would be fascinating to document how there's no "THERE" there.
ANYTHING that is GOOD, REAL or INTERESTING is coming from The Performances and The Cinematography, NOT The Writing.
What I think is so interesting about this show is not the show itself, but how its a not-very-good show in disguise as a FANTASTIC show, and what tricks its used to achieve that.
Especially because she's one of the VERY FEW GENUINELY LIKEABLE CHARACTERS on this show!
I like Kim Dickens' character, too, but we'll probably never see her again.
I do NOT like Frank and I do NOT root for him.
I want to see him PAY for his crimes…
… and NOT an easy out, like an "assassination".
I feel this show really suffers when it squanders its secondary characters.
Thats when the seams show.
The performances and the cinematography ARE IT.
I think everything that really RESONATES on this show comes from THE ACTORS, not The Writers.
She also realized that while she is an ASSET to Frank, he is a LIABILITY to her, if she wants to build her OWN political career.
It LOOKS and SOUNDS like there's a "THERE" there…
… but there's no "THERE" there, its hollow.
Especially as there wasn't even any kind of coalition or consensus expressing support for AMWORKS™.
No one supported it except for The Underwoods.