
Imagine how fucked you’d be in France, all the signage, even the emergency ones are in French, then you cross the Italian border and BOOM all the signage is in Italian !! Crazy stuff.

I forgot there was an important French community in Manitoba.
My bad.

As a French-Canadian, I can confirm you have no idea what you are talking about and are just spouting stuff ex-recto.
You’re just creating yourself excuses not to bother with another culture.

It’s not a dialect as much as a combination of regional expressions.
You’re not speaking the Queen’s English either.

Well I guess trying to adjust claims in Northern BC and speak 0% English is not easy either.

Vaudreuil-Dorion is right after the predominantly English speaking west Island,and 45% of the population aren’t native French speaking.

I don’t see any French signage West of Kingston.
Mind you, I really don’t mind, because we know that the majority is English speaking.
What we don’t get is that Canadian anglophones generally aren’t bothered to learn basic French when in Québec.


Quebec does not require the rest of Canada accommodate french.

Quebec requires that the rest of Canada accommodates French

Sorry but I don’t understand cause a Big Mac is called a Big Mac here too

Ha! Never saw that video, it’s quite amusing.
Just to clarify the matter, language laws are mostly the juridication of provincial laws, safe for a few exceptions (federal services, packaging of products...)
All provinces are unilingual, the only exception being New Brunswick that is officially the only bilingual

Those aren’t pillows!

With a pair of crumpled false eyelashes stuck to the corduroy.

Huckabee Sanders is the human incarnation of a Dorito fart trapped in a throw pillow.

Sarah Motherfuckabee Sanders, Defender of Fake News par excellence.

The line is shorter if we’re willing to dance in groups.

While I am not advocating poltical violence, I look forward to the day when I will be able to dance on that orange motherfucker’s grave. I realize there will be a line, but I am preparted to wait.