I’m not sure how making things up about the ACA while refusing to click on a link that explains how you’re wrong qualifies you as an adult though...would you like some more balls for your internet commenting play pen?
I’m not sure how making things up about the ACA while refusing to click on a link that explains how you’re wrong qualifies you as an adult though...would you like some more balls for your internet commenting play pen?
Onus is on YOU motherfucker, to provide evidence. YOU made the fucking stupid claims, back them up or get the fuck out.
Obamacare has
major flawsbeen sabotaged continuously by Republicans and the President. The costs are not sustainable. Trump SHOULD work with Democrats as well as Republicans to fix them.
So you got nothing... I think you were making an assumption that fit your views.
Regarding the fixes? Google search, bro.
Why are they not sustainable? Sentences like these mean absolutely NOTHING without information to back them up. You shouldn’t be afraid to site your sources or give examples.
No one’s ever denied that the ACA is flawed. The Democrats have plenty of proposals detailing how the ACA can be improved, shoring up problems in the original bill, tweaking things, the normal sort of things that you naturally would have to do to tune a bill that tackles such a significant industry.
He also does not have intentions of working “with” Republicans.
That’s right. Digging in their heels and pissing on public opinion is what Trump and his administration are all about. Buncha assholes with a douchebag leader.
He has no intention of “working with Democrats.” When any Democrat voices even the slightest opposition to anything the GOP wants, the Republican rallying cry will be “See?! They never had any intention of working with us!”
Thats because Carlos never did well in geography and so he didnt know that Canada is the second largest nation on earth.
yup j'agree... I worked & lived all over Canada eh & let me tell ya the accents are varied big time.. even the lingo/slang differs from place to place... can pretty much tell where abouts form Canada you're from as soon as they say a couple of sentences & then theres also the french varieties in Keh-Beck lol
Stay in…
I love how CarlosDanger assumes that there is one general Canadian accent. Because there's one general American accent that covers the entirety of the USA right? (Sarcasm) How stupid can one be that they think there's only one accent across Canada that generalizes Canadian English and it's apparently not the same in…