Norm Chonky

Noone offers solutions

Yeah but quick browse through your comment history and apparently it’s worth your time to be a miserable dick towards a bunch of random strangers on the internet who aren’t even talking to you. Enjoy being a miserable loser!

So you interjected on a conversation with a dumb uninformed assumption, got proven wrong, and rather than just saying “oh my mistake” you’re doubling down with this? LOL, pathetic. There’s a 90% chance you’re currently miserable and alone with no friends and will probably die that way.

Reading the article would have saved you a Google search.

I rattled off a very specific list, but as usual you’re doing great with uninformed assumptions champ! 

Reduced consumption of meat, more utilization of mass transit, taking financial positions that don’t support fossil fuels, reducing overall consumption for packaging waste and generally less buying disposable stuff that I don’t need. Will I be saving the planet single-handedly? No, but if more of us just did that we’d

You’re insufferable.

People literally offer solutions left and right. If you think “how dare you” speeches are the extent of climate change mitigation advocacy, you’re probably willfully ignoring everything else. The solutions are being impeded because a) climate change denial b) because capitalism is so great that f the environment for

Massive coastal migrations will change humanity. Wars over clean water will change humanity. Starvation on a global scale will change humanity. But you just keep on thinking things are fine.

Climate change is serious. You might want to chill on the puns.

The problem is it isn’t just a gravel surface. It tends to be a mix of snow and gravel in seasons like this. There have been other years the snow was less than normal for Rally Sweden, but there is still enough they have to run snow tires, which have giant studs in them. The studs absolutely tear up the exposed dirt

Sadly, it will be a few years yet before we can get some meaningful legislative movement here in the US. The reason? We have to wait on the boomer rube demo responsible for our current crop of elected leaders to finally die off.

RIP Miami

I was just reading about the Thwaites Glacier and all the recent discoveries about the above-freezing water that’s dislodging it. Up until now, I literally saw sea level rise as a slow, incremental process. Apparently climate scientists and glaciologists have seen it as more of a “stairstep” thing. This glacier is so

Yeah - if we just ignore the root cause and find stopgap solutions, problems usually get better.

You’re also not the race organizer for Rally Sweden.

Here we go again.

Define ‘fun’.

Mpg is meaningless?

Take comfort that you and your generation will be dead soon and none of this will matter to you anymore