Norm Chonky

Concentration Camp - A place where large numbers of people (such as prisoners of war, political prisoners, refugees, or the members of an ethnic or religious minority) are detained or confined under armed guard.

Yes I’m the downfall of civilization. I’m not the only one who read your comment that way. Maybe you should learn how to write clearly instead of telling others how awful they are.

Yeah you spend a paragraph talking about both sides (left and right) and I’m suppose to infer in the last sentence you suddenly mean ESPN and Le Batard.

Right? Who would’ve thought the son of a Cuban immigrant would have issues with the white supremacist in the white house?

If you think white supremacists have valid points I'm doubting how progressive you really are. 

Ground up moon rocks are pure poison, just ask Cave Johnson.

I’m sure GM just loves jalopnik too for the C7 leak, patrick crashing a Camaro on a press launch, and breaking every embargo they put in place.

The poll is useless if no one can see the results. 

If I’m ever put on dialysis I’m out. Same for a ventilator. Take care of your bodies people.

It’s not that all Republicans are white supremesist, it’s just that ALL white supremesist are Republicans.

Like how the US tax payer paid for two pointless wars in the middle east that killed thousands of my generation? Or maybe when they bailed out the auto industry? Or the banks? God forbid the average citizen benefit from something. 

This is hilarious. I’ve been coming here since they had the girl Murilee Martin writing on weekends and that Roy Wert was getting inappropriate with cars.

It’s a good thing that humans never shoot themselves in the foot. Nope. Never happens.

I’m pretty sure I could find a way to sleep at night with just $141 million.

It's a really easy way to identify racist, just like a MAGA hat. 

This is hilarious to me. I had a guy in a truck pass me on the highway the other day with a flag hanging off the bed literally ripped in half from making the journey back and forth on the back of a truck.

That is usually something they’ll bring a surgeon out for. A paramedic isn’t going to be amputating body parts.

While not that detailed there is a mod that can make traffic a whole lot more realistic.