
Meh, I actually liked this episode a lot (sans the terrible racist Nigerian subplot, WHY FUCKING WHY).

I loved this episode but I would give it a C just for this. Why? Like, why even go there? Not funny, mean and racist.

I think you're being a bit too literal about her going to CalTech just for the cute boy. It's a device, a human moment that, though objectively illogical is a place we've all been. It may be ridiculous but so are we at that time of our lives. Put another way: it can be both silly and still ring true in a theatrical

I almost always agree with your reviews but I must strongly protest on this one. I agree Jay and Gloria's bit was light on laughs but it was ultimately worth it for the materialism pay off (GAWD the runaway consumerism of this show is grating, but I digress). Cam and Mitch were pun-tastic and got the most out of