
I'm disappointed that there's no mention of the triumphant appearance and all-to-soon dispatch of The Actor Kevin Eldon here…

I know that this spam ad is going to be deleted, but "prodriguez2" is a pretty cool name and needs to be preserved.

I'm far from a fan of Chris Hardwick, but he's anything but D-List. He's a bad interviewer and rarely funny, but hugely popular. Next time just say cloying or annoying. Also, this show has ALWAYS been terrible, and zombies as a premise for anything is dumb (Plants vs Zombies excepted).

This is the first and only time I've liked something that came out of this man's face… but wish him the best and angina's hard and etc.

1. Darlene is actually Vicky from small wonder all grown up.
2. YOU'RE a robot.

There's probably a lot of overlap of Radiolab / Reply All listeners with the AvClub, but if you don't already know it's worth pointing out That Dragon Cancer is basically a video game documentation of the game designer actually losing his child to cancer. Knowing the story behind it makes it that much heavier, and

Have you tried forgetting about Mad Men and focusing on Rich Sommer's stellar reportage of the Malaysian plane disaster? Play it that way instead.

You should see a doctor about that.

You lost me at MSTRKRFT, but then got me back at Ian Svenonious and Sonny Kay. I may have to reconsider these guys.

That show started in 2004 and ended in 2005, that's how New Years eve works. I was there too, and can confirm it was awesome.

Agreed, and that gelatinous-boob octomom boss doesn't look like something from a game that I want to play.

I signed up to Disqus specifically to upvote this comment. Also, the only thing more scary than lesbian mall goth vampires is a Frankingstien.

Godspeed, little doodle.