That’s what I thought, too. Same guy before and after a diet and then back to fatness.
That’s what I thought, too. Same guy before and after a diet and then back to fatness.
You have no idea how many of these cases there are. I have created lists of cops who rape children, women at traffic stops, who beat and kill their families, who plant drugs/ sell drugs/ kill rival drug dealers... and it is very difficult to maintain one’s sanity knowing we live in a world where these things are…
Why do you think it is consensual sex with prostitutes? Are you unaware that they use the same threats against us to obtain sexual favors? Or that they can have sex with a ‘suspected prostitute’ to make an arrest? Or that they can force a prostitute to have sex with another ‘criminal suspect’ to elicit information…
According to the FBI bureau of justice statistics, in 2016, there were a reported 595 confirmed cases of sex trafficking. That same year, there were 323,450 reported cases of rapes and sexual assaults and over 1,000,000 reported incidents of serious domestic violence. There are not tens of thousands of sex trafficking…
Is this what you want to continue?unlesswe decriminalize all aspects of consenting adult commercial sex, we will get more of this:…
That is absolute bovine excrement. We could just as validly claim that by legalizing gay marriage, we will see an increase in domestic violence. As long as we sex workers are outside the law, or those we work with or our clients are outside the law, we cannot go to the police for help. Before homosexuality was…
Exactly where is the 'great deal of sex trafficking' going on in the USA? Because if you take out all the sex workers who are adults and consent to engage in commercial sex because it is the best option out of few or many, then you don't have very many 'sex trafficking' victims. It is ALL a big lie, one that has been…
But maybe we do choose sex work… and being forced into sweatshops to appease the moral sensibilities of some christian beeches is nauseating. They aren't GIVING them jobs, they are FORCING them into jobs where they can't earn enough to pay their bills. What about all those poor people who have no other choice than to…
You have no idea how common this is- and this is only when cops are doing their 'jobs'- cops also rape, extort and even pimp minors:…
And yet, cops do this to us sex workers all over the country - AND all over the word… Hawaii is just one of many places where cops think it is acceptable to rape a prostitute in order to 'rescue' us… because after the act of sex, they can take their money back, but we can't take back the time they stole from us and…
So, if the prostitutes are victims of 'trafficking' it is necessary to exploit them to rescue them? Really? When was the last time you heard of a cop trying to bust a pedophile priest by having sex with the victim of said pedophile priest? You do NOT 'rescue' a 'victim' by having sex with them and then arresting them…
How about only arresting someone when and if a 'victim' whom they have abused/ raped/ etc. files a criminal complaint, like all other victims of all other crimes (except homicide) are required to do before the cops will start an investigation? For example, in 2012, there were 346,830 REPORTED VIOLENT rapes and sexual…
How ironic that you would quote Melissa Farley- who opposes decriminalization of consenting adult commercial sex on the grounds that "prostitution is like rape" (regardless of the age or consent of the prostitute), and yet it is the very prohibition of prostitution which engenders the types of laws with which cops can…
That's the problem right there... You are not an expert, and you got your 'facts' from organizations whose entire funding scheme depends on peddling lies. The rabid abolitionists have always made emotional appeals to abolish all commercial sex and the best way for them to do this is by making these provably false…
That's the problem right there... You are not an expert, and you got your 'facts' from organizations whose entire funding scheme depends on peddling lies. The rabid abolitionists have always made emotional appeals to abolish all commercial sex and the best way for them to do this is by making these provably false…
Excuse me, but your 'statistic' on the average age of entry being 13' is an absolute lie. The study to which this 'age of entry' refers to was a study of juvenile prostitutes and NO ONE over 18 was included. Even among teens, the majority of them are 16 and 17' with very very few under 15. The total number of those…
Why not do for these poor women what we do for sex workers..... arrest them and force them to testify against the owners who give them jobs... and of course, why not 'end the demand' for manicures and pedicures and domestic servitude and all the other types of labor into which person MAY be trafficked?
Unlike individuals in the sex industry, those who do profit from abortion do not get arrested and sent to prison for 20 years. Nor does anyone suggest that doctors who perform abortions be arrested and sent to prison for performing them- or are you suggesting that? Do you think doctors should not be paid for their…