
If this report bothers you, it can’t just be b/c of Ivanka. This is a long-known industry issue. Fast fashion is cheap precisely b/c of production processes that outsource to nations and companies where human and workers’ rights are either barely existent or primarily get only lip service.

This isn’t just a problem with a Trump; this is a problem with our world.

I don’t know what it is about Ruby Rose, but I dislike her in an unreasonable way.

Replace “Scientologist” with “Muslim”, reread the piece and determine if it still sounds reasonable, especially if your argument relies, out of hand, on dismissing a #NotAllMuslims argument. Either judge the person as an individual, or don’t, but don’t cherry pick. I don’t find Scientology to be compelling and their

I don’t know how it happened. I am starting to like Katie Perry. This is the darkest timeline. It’s as if somebody went back in time to change the future and now we’re stuck like this.

Tea Kettle... Tea kettle?

I find many beloved children’s stories disturbing. This one tells us that kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome and bestiality are all just fine, as long as the girl finds love in the end.

Let me guess, for no reason aside from your irrational, overwrought, arbitrary dislike of Jennifer Lawrence.

She’s in the books. :)

They look so horrified. Like she showed up in her underwear.

Oh my god.

Spade is a derogatory term for a black person. It’s a bit old-timey, so it falls under the radar when people use it sometimes. This person was being a racist dumbshit.

No. Being proud of her own success - at her career and at not getting pregnant - is not an implied criticism of other women.

Yes, how dare she, as a woman, be multi-dimensional and have multiple thoughts at once. shame.


Americans really do think they’re the centre of the universe.