
Cars pulling out in front is not “low consequence” for a bike.

You are clearly a millennial

It should be a fire breathing Fiero.

New band name - “Dingos Ate My Nissan…”

One is for Ramming, one is for Dodging.

fixed the title see what you did there.

No one thinks the guy in a E90 328 has any money....

Tavarish already has this loaded up on a u-haul tow dolly behind his Mercedes.

If the cars are built in Mexico, they can be imported into the EU duty-free. If they are built in America, there is a duty of 10%. It’s a no-brainer for the production of small hatches, which are more popular in the EU than the US.


Then maybe a car blog isn’t the place to look for that info. How about Gizmodo?

Omfg how much is Apple paying jalopnik to shill their products.


Not TT, not special enough.

Gonna start using “That was an old me problem” in arguments with my girlfriend.

Certainly not this one:

I must admit that before I saw this video I had a rather simplistic notion of how they worked.