
Time for something newish...

Not pictured: Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, as it is currently busy using the galaxy as its footstool -

Maybe Wally West's Flash is more like Spider-Man, freak accident at a lab where he was out of his ken and living a normal life that doesn't exactly tap into his full potential.

I'd say this guy is DC's Spidey. A superhero teenager that cracks some jokes. Also, look at his villains. Inque is totally a ripoff of Venom, Shriek has similar powers to Shocker. Stalker is a wild hunter like Kraven and Blight is a powerful businessman turned bad with a green look. Sounds like a certain Goblin to me.

"Misrepresenting science in the mainstream media is not a win. It's just more of the same."

How we got the awfulness of Batman forever and Batman and Robin from the guy who directed The Lost Boys and 8mm will forever boggle my mind.

Church of Latter Game Fights

I think you hit the nail on the head - cleaning something up so that it looks more at home on modern hi-res screens is good, adding or altering content is bad... or at least misguided.

I think this comic accurate describes how I play Smash against my more competitive friends (I am on the right).

I know, right??? I could never compete at these levels, but I always love watching the people who do. Just thinking about all the snap decisions one has to make from moment to moment during a high-level match is pretty awe-inspiring, if you ask me!

I have no interest in competing in higher level Smash matches, but I will be damned if they aren't entertaining. Those people are insanely talented.

Watchmen: "I did it 35 minutes ago." I think I get it. Wells is using Tachyons to imitate Barry's speed force bubble and move at super speed. Okay. And he needs the tachyon generator to fuel up the suit because it's the suit doing the job, not him. Okay. And because he can move much faster than Barry he can....make it look like he's beating the

Breaking Bad'sHank Schrader - Annoying, condescending, he was the worst. But he proved to be a badass in a few wild gunfights and ultimately figured it all out.

Mason, on the plane, 24 season 1.