
He could have actually gotten his immortality wish.

"There are reasons why white gun's rights activists can walk into a Chipotle restaurant with assault rifles and be seen as gauche nuisances while unarmed black men are killed for reaching for their wallets or cell phones, or carrying children's toys."

I think one of the most mind blowing things for me about Robin Williams was when I learned that he was a gamer and named his daughter Zelda.

Bungie, the developers on Destiny, have said that the Kinect-free option enabled them to get their game to run at 1080p resolution, 30 frames per second on Xbox One.


From what I've read, your character doesn't go hollow in this game, instead he slowly transforms into a beast (as all citizens and ddenizens of Yarnam are doing,) and blood is the only thing to slow or stop the transformation.

The clue is in the name, I guess: blood looks like it will be a key thematic motif.

"This isn't dignified. Don't rely on the gross factor to portray an undead dragon. Can't you instead try to convey the deep sorrow of a magnificent beast doomed to a slow and possibly endless descent into ruin?".

I know it's been said a million times but I really miss the the gorgeous and gruesome design of DSI. The boss design in DSII isn't bad by any means but I miss being disgusted and terrified as I walk into a room with a dragon that looks as though it was torn in half.

I LOVE that Miyazaki focuses on making majestic, and complex creatures, as opposed to shocking and controversial looking creatures. It was one of my favorite parts of Demon's and Darks Souls.

Seath is a great example of this. They could have made Seathe some decayed, bloody, goopy, nasty looking beast, but no... they

That's pretty strange considering his moves against Iwata.

I kind of hated the outcome.

Watch the live stream of the invitation now, it's pretty legit competitive.


I think its less about the 2v1 aspect and more about you being able to fight it. Making it a lot more challenging than a computer controlled character. Also am I the only one thinking Pokemon styled fights with these guys

I bought one in a gamestop for $15 about three years ago. Felt pretty good. It even had NiMH batteries still inside.