
That is fascinating. I always wondered what bullshit Palpatine fed his apprentices.

I think he did. When Palpatine tells Anakin to kill him he shoots Palpatine a WTF look.

Oooo. I didnt know about that. I will have to read that!

I think the later seasons of The Clone Wars did a great job showing that the higher up Jedi really were starting to be really suspicious of Palpatine. Its just that every interaction they had with Sidious led them to believe that this mysterious Sith lord was really just a violent psycho and Palpatine, while slimy and

Good God no! I had finally forgotten about this!

Maybe they're saving that chunk for a numbered sequel done after Phantom Pain's saga is done.

Its true. I come here for the fun recaps and the pop culture stuff, but I stay for the great writing articles.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that got that vibe off of those two. The whole "You're still my guy" that Wells kept giving him was just giving me the dirtiest vibes. Kudos to Tom Cavanagh for like, everything.

Dear God that Domon one has me rolling.


Buh. That third one. I love the contrast between how tiny the hobbits and Gollum are compared to the massive volcano and Sauron.

Got me again Flash.

I want a Flash-Spidey crossover now. They would be the biggest trolls to whatever villain they fight.

The Flash possibly? I'll admit I'm not up on my Flash lore very much but I always thought the Flash had a genius level intelliect and liked to talk a lot of shit.

Return of the Joker is STILL one of the greatest DCAU movies ever.

Goku could.

I'm in the same boat as you. I was really starting to bore my wife by ruining shows for her but this entire season I've been surprised by all the twists on Flash and AoS. Sure does make watching TV fun again!

I was thinking since the end of ROTJ, the Force found balance thanks to Luke and awakened more Force-sensitives en masse both light and dark. Luke withdrew from the front because of his horror at awakening the Sith in addition to the Jedi. Now in the time since End or both sides have been stockpiling Force-sensitive

There actually was an arc in The Clone Wars that featured a Jedi General who wielded 2 double bladed lightsabers....and he did twirl them a lot....butbt was still a really good story arc! Questions on the moraliry of war and if soldiers following orders outwieghed their will to survive.

I would watch that. I would watch the hell out of that.