
We don’t know that figure, but ignore anyone who quotes Kleck’s upper bound of 2.5 million.

Is it possible cars have gotten safer? I get that gun related deaths have gone up in the US, but making this comparison seems like cherry picking

Better infrastructure and less violent crime. But those things lie on opposite ends of the political spectrum, so we’re stuck what we’ve got. Good thing guns and cars are easy to come by.

That doesn’t support the “Guns are bad” narrative. Can’t include those kind of numbers.

The Americans have been conditioned by their greedy, antipathic politicians to be fearful of the world around them, while their wages get stolen, from their beloved “We bring jobs!” CEO of their work sending lobbyists to go to Congress/Senate and convince them to take more money from the poor workers. That’s just a

Where in the study does it show the number of years saved for people who use firearms in legal self defense shootings?

Asking for a friend.

We should really have societal long-term plans to have as little of both in our world as possible.

When I hear the word “metaverse” I am reminded of the 3D televisions that all the manufacturers were sure would sell millions of units. Just because you can make a thing, does not mean the masses are going to line up to buy it.

Sure they will, in about four years and using proprietary application formats. Their metaverse (which will not be called a metaverse) will have a more intuitive UI than Google’s or Meta’s, but will offer users less control. Avatars will look the same as Memojis. 

I still can’t get over the feeling of strange disbelief that this show is getting a movie. Don’t get me wrong, I love the show, have seen every episode, etc., but its low-key, low-stakes nature doesn’t seem like it would work in the longer format.

Cops generally have no personal liability. Ending qualified immunity would drastically change policing.

In a way, it’s like car stereo stealers from the 90s all over again.

Pretty sure stopping a third in this manner would be self defense. At least in most places on the US.

mistake number one, confronting thieves

And no notch please

My wife had the OG iPhone Mini unless she drowned it one too many times (she works outside, so). So she now has the 8 - until next month, because she’s really excited about the size of the 12 Mini. And I don’t blame her, it’s pretty nice.

I have an 11 Pro and I have no idea what I’m doing. Probably keeping it for

The 12 Pro Max has better cameras than the 12 Pro though ugh come on Apple. You could have fit the same tech in both.

I have an 11 Pro so I’m going to keep that unless the photos are that much better on the 12. Hopefully next year the camera tech from the Max makes it down to the regular Pro.

It will be the smallest phone on the market, but don’t let that lead image fool you, Apple got Jonny McHugehands there to be their model, and it’s playing with perspective. The phone is pretty normal, just smaller than all the other giant-ass phones currently on sale.

I’m going to be jealous everytime I see a Mini, but I’m a sucker so I’m getting the 12 Pro for the cameras. I think the novelty of a miniature phone will wear off before the next upgrade. 

Seconded. Just give me a bigger battery and I’ll be a happy clam.