
Go with last year's model or get refurbished products direct from Apple. Giz recommends this to save your budget every year:

Gonna have to agree that it's not cool to post this guy's private information on Giz.

I've been wondering for years why no one is making diesel hybrids. Give me that TORQUE!

more to the point: why wouldn't they just ADD this to the TDI?

and we can test for it's presence/remove it how?

and the results were..much worse than shown on this site? Oversimplification or no, we need elaboration!

Not too long ago, but definitely before the latest redesign, there was a section on the side of your FB profile with all the links you've posted. I can't remember if this was when viewing your wall or what, but it definitely used to be there.

Agreed, this chart seems pretty obvious.

Some nice free advertising for First Round Capital through this post. I know I just went to check out their website..

Yeah, I really wanted those towers too..But then again: []

Surely these stats exist and are already being used to sell ads. But it would be cool if Twitter would release them so we could play with the stats a la Google Trends.

No, really, get the iPhone 5 instead.

big time +1 to this post. Though I'm not a huge R&B fan I always liked Aaliyah's music and wondered what else she and Timbaland would have come up with.

Proofreading then, either way, whatever works. I feel like I'm seeing this across the internet, not just on this blog. Even established news sources seem to be making mistakes like this.

Thank you for pointing this out. I know this is a blog(my favorite!), but it seems like the quality of grammar and punctuation has gone down in the past few years. Does it really take so long to run spellcheck?!

I couldn't agree more, this sounds perfectly reasonable.

Recently it was reported that OBL may only have moved into Abbottabad 5-6 months ago. If that report is true, then UCLA could have been correct.

$660,000,000 for fairy dust and people are bitching about subsidies for renewable energy that could take us out of that region for good? Unconscionable.