And yet that is, like, the fifth-most egregious thing about this article.
And yet that is, like, the fifth-most egregious thing about this article.
FYI the pic you used is one of a kid eating dippin
I'm from the south so I know how devastating it is getting the clap from cousins.
Source? - City of Toronto
I would love to see a video of the Deadspin staff shooting basketballs. I have a feeling you all would make Kasich look pretty good.
Tom Ley is so bad at writing he has to resort to constant republican bashing to get clicks
I always thought Saskatoon was the next great untapped NBA market.
I’m no Gord Ramsay. But, I’m pretty sure you use these to wash lettuce, not mix salads.
I’m no Gord Ramsay. But, I’m pretty sure you use these to wash lettuce, not mix salads.
Weird, discrimination is way of life in QC, if this guy and quebec put their language barrier aside, they would be best friends.
It’s not a coincidence that Felito Cruz is from Alberta, either.
“The Cleveland Cavaliers aren’t winning the NBA title this season.”