
Seriously, thanks for posting this so many times. Even if the woman had run off without her kid, that wouldn't have made her a bad mother (perhaps she was worried about moving him and injuring him more, and then ran to get a phone to call 911 or something). I'm glad you've got her back here.

There was a little kitten that my volunteers and I raised on our remote NGO, and he followed us around like a little dog. He even got lost on a mountaintop when he followed us on a hike, and I had to go back to get him. He had just sat there, crying, for a whole day, where he had last seen his people. I had to

I worked as a volunteer coordinator for an NGO in a very remote location, and actually lived with the volunteers I was supervising.

I'm glad that Cosmo was able to manage to time-travel to 1989 and pick up the most stereotypical "nerd" possible.

I don't. It just never really interested me. I tried a few times, but it's not satisfying at all. It's just not for me, I guess.

I'd say that it is, but I can't muster up any real interest in it. I've seen most of the first season and read the first book, and I just don't care what happens to any of the characters. If you can't hook me in a season or an entire book, I'm not really interested in trying more.

To be completely honest, I think most people (men, women, children, everyone) looks weird in shorts. Shorts are just... strange to me. They often look unfinished to me somehow. And I kind of hate the flat-front shorts, because they remind me of business slacks, which are so awkwardly-cut (when they aren't tailored,

I've been on craigslist for a few months now, and nothing. I send the face pic, if they ask and exchange one with me, and I get people going, "Let's not waste our time.". I even got sent home from a booty call (that that person made!). I'm also on Tinder, and nothing there, either. There's this strange myth that

I always imagine Paris Hilton, but I'm not even sure she does stuff anymore.

It is and it isn't, I imagine. It's easier because it's stupid, but it's also harder for the exact same reason. How much do I really want to fight about my hair? Is it important enough to me to make my mom cry over it? But she always wants to change it, and sometimes in impossible ways (like insisting I curl my

"After all, what is a sister but a terrifyingly close example of your own genetic code scrambled up just slightly different, for better or for worse, for envy or for pity, forever and ever?

I know it's not a very nice opinion, but people who have sex in public are some of my least favorite people in public.

You're welcome! I'm actually living in Central Europe now, and it's been a little surprising to me to see how many people are more comfortable with nudity, particularly in public with little kids. I always feel as if I should avert my eyes! And doctors leaving the room for you to disrobe? Nah, we'll just sit here.

My ex-girlfriend was colorblind, as was her older brother and her father. They were all able to drive, but they all also had to take care of stop signs "hidden" among leaves. She ran a stop sign once and got in quite a bit of trouble - she hadn't even seen it!

Aww, thank you! Deciding to have kids is not an easy choice for many people, and I think these kinds of things really do give us a service. I would hope that anyone who posted them is able to pull themselves out of that situation and be happy and that the kids aren't hurt by it, but we'll never know anything more

When kids are little, they're sometimes bathed together or bathed with parents, but once they hit about 5 or so, I think it starts to be uncomfortable for them. I didn't want to keep bathing with my sister - I wanted privacy!

I'm sorry this has been such a shitty thing for you, and I hope you find a way to get what you want.

This has probably already been said, but I don't feel like we have to pit parenting and jobs against each other or compare which is more important or "better" (perhaps in a very limited, personal sense, but not for other people or as a value judgment).

I'm glad to hear it! Parenting, from what I understand, can be really exhausting and bring out some pretty scary emotions. And if you feel like you can't let them out anywhere, or talk to anyone, I imagine they can get even more intense.

Like many people without kids, I'm crazy about animals. I love them all - cats, dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, birds, fish, snakes, whatever. But I can recognize they aren't for everyone, too. I am very fulfilled by their affections, and that makes it worth the parts that I don't like so much (barf and poop, mostly).