Mikael Nordgren

@lifefollowsmypen: Or you just get a cash pre-paid sim, drop it into your phone and you can communicate with any new local friends on the cheap. ;)

@randomher0: Oh, never be sorry for metric measurements. Everything we can do to aid in the metrication of USA is a good thing.

Well the Electrolux Trilobite was the world's first autonomous vacuum cleaner that one could purchase (2001). From the beginning it used ultra sound to map the room and navigate in a "smart" fashion. The problem with it was just that it was really expensive. Still is.

It's a slightly peculiar thing how Americans quite often retell history promoting national inventors...

@jerrygspin: Aw, you can't seriously be angry with the company that invented mobile telephony. ;)

@Odin: I do agree that it they are major flaws. However, to be honest I personally never use multitouch, so it's not a big deal for me. I played a game or two that required it on iPod touch, but otherwise no.

I'm a proud owner of the X10. Got one when it came out here in Sweden in April. I absolutely love it. Glad it's finally easily available in USA.

@NuevoLeon: The 2.1 update is pencilled in for Q3 this year.

@robert101455: It most definitely depends on the users conductivity.

@DingoJunior: To clarify, the signal inside the Office where I work is not "top notch", most other phones show 3/4 bars or 3-4/5 bars. It's quite possible that if we were in an area with stronger signal that it would keep the signal.

One of my coworkes has an iPhone 4. With a lot of people back from vacation today a group gathered around him playing with it. Everyone trying to reproduce the "Death grip".

I absolutely love my X10 and never experienced it as buggy nor "slow".

@wk1234: Don't worry about it. ;) I guess it just means that I watch too much 30 rock...

Wow, absolutely gorgeous. Very open and light design. Like Tina Fey says: "I want to go to there"... ;)

@Kat You (almost) always write such good articles. Although I don't always agree with your opinion, they sure are interesting to read and feel solid.

Love the good Android news and the cute but slightly scary picture. ;)

@Maave: All the SE phones I have had always shows if it's unencrypted. I was in Taiwan for a while, where the carriers run unencrypted calls. So I got a beep and an alert everytime I made or answered a call.

@Architectin: Hehe, I think that it's a carpenter's pencil. It just hasn't been sharpened yet. ;)

Wow! I am very impressed by Google's street view, but this is light years ahead.