
Conviction? More like they fear their game will be trashed by places like Kotaku for being “Sexist”, and that they’ll have hit pieces put out against them for no reason other than someone decided to be offended for no reason.

The worst part is that the valid complaints of the AAA Gaming Industry like this gentleman’s can’t be feasibly addresses because there’s always some starry-eyed 20 something outside the door saying “yes, I’ll gladly build lampposts for you during 70 hour work weeks with zero overtime compensation and Metacritic-tied

Ok now I want to find this dammit...

Having worked directly on Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands - Wii, I just want to add that this was a project made full of motivated gamers and developers.

We even implemented an achievement system, while the Wii didn’t have any.

Maxime worked his ass so that they game would run at 60 FPS.

Some crazy level designer