
I’m not a big fan of shaq either but that doesn’t make me a Kobe fan. Shaqs a fat slob who wasted supreme physical gifts.

Putting Jerry West over Kobe is fucking stupid. I get it, you’re not going to take part in this Kobe lovefest because you’re so edgy and not mainstream. But still, putting Jerry West over Kobe is just dumb.

“Her items have spunky witticisms on them like ‘You said U loved me but you lied’”

One person’s “spunky witticism” is another person’s Michael Bolton lyric.

You’re not just thinning the value of something you’ve already got by applying it too often and too far, which is currently the case across the temporal board.

I know yesterday I said I wanted more long prose articles but maybe I misspoke...

George Karl has over 1,100 wins in the NBA. DeBoogie is 25 years old and insane. History has shown that running an all-time great coach out of town to pacify a diva player is a sure path to success. Look how good the Jazz have been since they chose Deron Williams over Jerry Sloan! Look how many titles Chris Webber

This is exactly the sort of game the Rockets lose. I’m tentatively overjoyed.

“With finally Karl gone”

“LaRoche, along with Brewers pitcher Blaine Boyer, spent 10 days in November in Southeast Asian brothels, wearing a hidden camera and doing undercover work to help rescue underage sex slaves.”

I laughed out loud when I read this. It’s hilarious that Keown a professional journalist would take this at face value. You can

If I am following things correctly, Liberty Media is now owned by Starz Network. Starz Network is known for one thing: Ash vs The Evil Dead. So, a cardboard cutout of Bruce Campbell would be appropriate.

Tim Keown’s writing style makes you wonder what percentage of his readers are literate.

His logic is almost as silly as citing career splits with the bases loaded as a representative sample size.

Counterpoint: Kelly Johnson also sucks and “with the bases loaded” stats are something you would make fun of someone else for using.

Here is another much more recent video showing a British journo telling Scott Walker that any British politician regardless of political affiliation would LAUGH at the idea that the theory of evolution is wrong. A journo is literally telling him his bullshit is laughable to his face. I’m sorry to say you’d never see

Maybe they want more of a horse race after the conventions, and they know that the inevitable Hillary vs Trump will be a landslide for the Dems.

One Superdelegate had his personal cell phone number published. Akilah Ross Ensley was called, cursed at, and called names (which is harrassment, plain and simple). Thayer’s response?

The branding began to detract from the campaign’s purpose, so it wasn’t a hard decision to make the change once it was clear it wasn’t working.

It’s so refreshing to see what all those years of education cuts have done to the understanding of our government and it’s processes. Also... Superdelegates can’t help you if your candidate is losing. This is how it always worked. You jackholes.