All that photoshop work and all they had to do to achieve the same effect was artificially lighten two dudes.
All that photoshop work and all they had to do to achieve the same effect was artificially lighten two dudes.
It’s all true, professional swimmers appearing at stadium swim meets can make upwards of $125 a year
The red dress and choker is so very NGW* in S.F.W.**
Not clicking on the headlines, but guessing the NY Post’s was “THANKS A CLOT”
Well at least she’ll have a lifetime’s exposure to white glibertarians (John Mackey) by the time she’s out of junior high.
No velour, no peace. Know velour, know peace.
Hey, I’m not fat, I do a lot of meth. I’m just not ‘active’ and therefore feel excluded by something called ‘active wear.’
To be fair, Roman Moroni was saying fucking, bastards and assholes in his mind, it just came out farging, bastiches and iceholes.
(files complaint against Beyonce active-wear collection with Department of Frivolous Grievances for discrimination against those with self-imposed sedentary lifestyles)
They come with their own shine box.
Strangely, the USMT is being separately represented by a Zumundan law firm, whose argument boils down to “We’re a bunch of largely anonymous, uninspiring disappointments, why shouldn’t we walk on the petals of of roses?
I’ll never forget when Sigourney formed the Twin Towers West with Benoit Benjamin for the ‘85-’86 Clippers.
GOP ‘16: “Odds are that we hate you, please vote for us in November”
“What if I just sit down on the base and watched the game?” “I’m afraid that would create a fire hazard.”
In the year 2060 the official currency of the Oceanic Tribes of Waterworld will be cassingles.
The turning point was Sandoval’s recently unveiled one-handed swing, given the physical impossibility of his getting both hands on the bat at once.
Finally, the fucking issues at last. Thanks, Good Morning America, I was getting sick of all that “erasing bodily autonomy” and “perpetual disastrous foreign interventions” policy talk you’re famous for.
Woke up / got out of bed