It sounds on the up and up to me, after all many people sold at family-sundering auctions to work in brutal conditions and be killed for trying to escape just didn’t read the fine print before voluntarily signing up.
“I’d put Serena in my top five as well, if she weren’t so damn out of shape. Excuse me— gotta— catch my breath— speaking wears me out.” — Jason Whitlock
“Ten minutes to Wapner. We’re definitely locked into this press conference box with no TV.”
And I thought publicizing local news from around America was bad, now we’ve got the international version. Can’t wait to hear about an amateur curler in Finland whisked to within an inch of his life with brooms.
(millennial scoff) More like DraftAbdicators
In lieu of cash, I donated my collection of Jack Chick hyper-fundamentalist cartoon tracts; I figure they can be used as textbooks in what passes for his schoolin’
I realize it got a little (well, a lot) corny with the Richard Lester influence, but it still has about a 90% critic approval rate— are you sure you aren’t thinking Superman III?
If he went there but it was on NBC, has any distance been traversed?
In Ortiz’s case, the 2-minute trip around the bases may be involuntary.
I’ve got five words for you, Dana: Marisa Tomei, Best Supporting Actress
Ten years ago it would have (if I’m the target audience I would have been 30): everybody knows the Justice League and its principals from the 70s/90s cartoon series and they didn’t need pained introductions. They could have spun off from there, instead they went the direction of Japanimating all the good story lines…
If they just did a straight up live action Battle of the Superfriends and put even the barest tinge of color/humor in it, it would make a billion dollars.
It’s weird that a palpable lack of giving a shit by any of the principals (except the utterly miscast Jesse Eisenberg) comes through loud and clear during the trailers.
God grant me the alternate timeline when movie studio execs would have stuck with George Miller complete his own Justice League in 2007. DC is just playing catch-up now, and with some of the worst brains trying to do its live-action universe building.
Somebody gave me a reason that the 3 vs. 5 set match difference (i.e. longer matches, more wear and tear, and more revenue) wasn’t a valid reason for having a pay gap, but I can’t remember it.
Don’t worry, Zack Snyder’s ham-fistedness, lack of story, and subtlety of a flying mallet will soon render all of his sabotaging tactics superfluous.
It’s not true that we’re crashing and burning behind a friendless candidate whose own family hates him. It’s so funny that you would think that. Why would you think that?
“God bless Farty McCrablice” — a young Louis CK with hair, Dr. Katz, 1997.