Alex Gordon: “I love Ned Yost. I’d run through a brick wall for him.” (sees Ned grinning, rubbing hands together) “NOT LITERALLY, NED”
Alex Gordon: “I love Ned Yost. I’d run through a brick wall for him.” (sees Ned grinning, rubbing hands together) “NOT LITERALLY, NED”
Remember that time I helped Rand Paul do that non-filibuster filibuster about nothing? (wolf howls) (crickets) Yeah, the wolves and crickets remember
Heckling aside, I do like Doc Rivers’ stocking his bench with failed (and narcoleptic) former head coaches so that there’s no possibility of a palace coup.
Any mention on how a consortium of shadowy oil companies broke the band apart to begin with, afraid of the emergence of Girl Power as an alternative energy source?
“Thank you for bringing this to our attention” (Cruz campaign fires all women staffers so the disparity isn’t brought up again)
This is what’s known as “built-in conflict of interest.” The DA, reliant on cop witnesses to make their case, treating killings by cops with kid gloves. A built-in special prosecutor is needed for all jurisdictions, the system is too incestuous otherwise.
We were in the single digits in the Muslim world, approval-wise, during Dubya. Actual damage comes from being elected, and fear is a great motivator in getting out the vote for the non-Trump candidate(s)
Sometimes we need to take a step back and remember who he’s hurting, pre-nomination, and offer to throw those Southern strategy, veiled racist GOP establishment types a fucking anchor.
I think the -best- thing about Trump’s candidacy is that he’s easily performing the worst out of any GOP candidate against Sanders or Clinton (down 9-14 points in the last 3 national polls), so I’m all for him trying to take his traveling GOP primary shitshow for morons to the general election.
Clearly illogical? Holy shit, we can’t have naturalized Vulcans voting in this year’s election. Build an outer atmospheric wall 3 parsecs high!
(millennial scoff) More like hack-ramé
The bread is stale and the circuses are depressing and filled with nu-metal fans.
A 90s-style Warrior, mean mean stride
Chump don’t want no stars, chump don’t get no stars
Meanwhile, Geddy Lee shrilly exclaimed from about 19 rows up: “I will choose a path that’s clear, I will choose inbounding the ball!”
Radical amelioration of double-digit, long-term unemployment rates for young (ages 16-30) people of color depends on ABC doing the right thing here.
Similarly, when I played Micro Machine racing on my linoleum floor the mini-Corvette kept going even after hitting the refrigerator at the equivalent of 120 mph. I mean there are rules for this shit.
(Millennial scoff) More like Yawn of Justice