
Oh man, before I scrolled all the way down, I thought the mushroom cloud was a piece of fried chicken. A thigh to be exact. I was truly disappointed for a couple seconds. I got over it, mostly.

Bets on Walmart?

Code brown!

My first car was one just like this. The reliability was good until the manual transmission literally ate itself. I found a used tranny and swapped it. The death of the old one was so violent, I just had to see inside. When I opened it, chunks of gears and teeth all over the driveway! Apparently these were known to

A Declaration of the Immediate Causes which Induce and Justify the Secession of the State of Mississippi from the Federal Union.

In the momentous step which our State has taken of dissolving its connection with the government of which we so long formed a part, it is but just that we should declare the prominent


I lick your handle. Arranging deck chairs on the titantic...

I think uggos is spelled like this

More like auto-incorrect. Sad.

Yeah, but auto-correct would obviously be wrong, wouldn’t it?

Slurp shit, Mike.

Came here to say what you said. Also, too, Papa John is a garbage human.

Came here to say what you said. Also, too, Papa John is a garbage human.

Yeah, that’s some Putin style shit right there.

Welp, you “won”. This should be fun

Write a letter to Hulk Hogan.

The doc is on amazon streaming prime. I just added it to my watch list. Thanks.

Looking good!

/s ?

Well, since I don’t want to see your asshole, I guess I’m out. See you in November I guess.

Are ya sure?