When you're sick, tired, sore, lazy or just feel like a change? Sometimes you want to feel like frantic teenagers. There is a time and a place.
When you're sick, tired, sore, lazy or just feel like a change? Sometimes you want to feel like frantic teenagers. There is a time and a place.
I wasn't going to comment, but I literally just made myself a meal of vege hot dogs. As well as being plastic wrapped and contained in a zip lock bag, EACH INDIVIDUAL hot dog was also wrapped in thin plastic . I didn't realize and I proceeded to fry them with it still on. I had to remove the plastic half melted and it…
the takeaway is this
My current beau was told by a mutual friend not to try anything with me because I would never go for someone "like him". Whatever ideas she has about dating up, I wish she'd just kept them to herself because she was wrong, not only about what kind of guy he was, but what kind of guy I was interested in. Thankfully he…
I have had this discussion with a friend of mine recently, and I get it, you're allowed to be fussy, but limiting your dating pool on such arbitrary measures is bound to mean that occasionally you don't get to know people who could have been really good for you, who you could have learned from, or might have just…
I do like the point you're making, but I'd think of Ron as a Libertarian rather than a Republican. But right wing for sure.
I pointed this out on another thread, but it's pretty simple to convert men's sizes to women's. Or you could, you know, try them on.
Just to point out (I know this isn't the point you were making) but it is pretty straightforward for women to buy men's sized shoes. They are just a bit larger. E.g. I am a men's 8, women's 10. I don't expect all shoes to be labelled as such, but anything with men's sizes on it is technically also available to women.
I have universally found it to be the other way around.
And bonus, quite often when you buy vinyl records these days you get a digital version for free anyway, for playing on your iPod (when you aren't busy listening to the complimentary U2 album of course).
I quit my job the next day and moved cities after mine. Fiscally responsible didn't come into it for some reason. But it's ok now.
I went through something similar earlier this year and I know it sucks a total suck. I watched a lot of New Girl as that was on at the time. Netflix and cat gifs will mend your broken heart. That plus time, distance and alcohol in appropriate doses. My sympathies.
Working hard is acquiring skills to put yourself in a position of success; working hard is going above and beyond and setting yourself apart from the rest.
Your point makes me want to add that in NZ, marriage doesn't have the same perks as it does in the US. Same sex couples have been allowed to have a civil union since 2004 (and now obvs, are allowed to marry). Prior to that, couples who lived together for two years were considered partners by the law without having to…
Wait though, this isn't single people vs. couples, but unmarrieds vs married? Not the same thing.
The Goldfinger version was pretty good too.
I would imagine a bleach martini would taste pretty similar to semen actually...
I used to work in Kilbirnie so was quite surprised to see the old folks' home (which is actually an old folks' home).
And because if he gets off first, well, that's the end of that.
women's orgasms can last 15 seconds or more (much more, if she's lucky and he's adept).