
Unfortunately the US seems to be the only place where this works. Here, we only have "no fault" divorce. It's hard enough to get my fair share, let alone some kind of revenge settlement. This jerk is selling my stuff online, like he's the aggrieved party, and there's nothing I can do about it.

Xena wore it better.

Unless either party doesn't want to be "a thing". Then you most definitely are not.

Yeah I have a problem with the word "borrow" in this context. No, you keep it, I really don't want it back when you're done with it...

I did make it up, but then, that's how facts are invented.

This is in fact where the term "stink-eye" originated.

Kittens always play dirty. We need to get a couple chickens in to referee.

Both my sisters are brilliant - the last name of one parent was the child's middle name, and the last name of the other parent was the child's last name. For one sister it was the dad's name that became the middle, because they wanted to give my nephew his paternal grandad's first name as one middle name, and they

I love how the kitten is like "Uncle!" and Lady lets him up immediately. :3

A workmate told me a story where our company paid out on a car and the customer had apparently under insured. When our guys went to the insurance company of the party at fault to get paid out by them, the other insurance company paid twice what we had paid our customer, so we rang them up like "We have another 3 grand

I work in insurance. I like this story.

If you have to work on the assumption that he tried to be reasonable first, then sure, maybe this guy isn't a complete dickhead. But it interests me that you'd rather make an assumption in his favour than in hers.

Man, that's just not true. There is a time and a place for everything, and there are a million situations where I would choose Friends re-run over sex. Sex is great and all, but even if it was The Best Thing You Can Do Ever (and it isn't) we can't do it all day. This is why other diversions such as TV and food and

The fact he did it with a list shows he's a passive aggressive nutjob who is using every time she turned him down as "ammunition" for his argument. Like every time she turned him down she "owed" him sex. This is the problem. Seems to me dude needs to stop trying it on when his wife is watching TV or just back from the

I would probably pay good money to have someone regularly point this out to me.

Yes it's almost Attenbourghesk.

The only thing that would improve this would be if the commentary were just a bit more frantic, and in Japanese.

This video very much over complicates the matter of learning theory. Other animals do it too, it's not unique to our evolution as human beings.

Pretty sure the family of the CEO of Pepsi would be putting Moutain Dew or whatever on their cereal anyways.