
Alright, Clark County sounds like my kind of place! Most animal welfare legislation you'd be lucky if the perps got a fine or forbidden from owning animals again. Jail time is incredibly rare.

If you look at the ad above, yes that's exactly what this claims to be, a dark spot corrector. Perhaps they can't get away with actually admitting what they intend it to be used for.

It used to mean that you were a poor and spent a lot of time working in the sun.

I don't know how animal welfare law works in Nevada, but where I'm from it is pretty piss weak. I'd wager the 27 counts of "attempted" cruelty to animals won't be adding much to the arson and burglary charges, even though that's the part of the crime every decent person is disgusted by.

I didn't think there were "colleges" of magic. Everyone seemed to get jobs after high school, opened businesses (like the Weasley twins) or went to work for the Ministry of Magic. If there was a wizard equivalent of college it would be a university ('College' is sometimes what high school is referred to over in the

Cat-in-undies is my future favourite gif, if anyone is that way inclined!

Nah, I think that is your parents job, until you move out at least. My mother was on a benefit that included me in it, so yes, she was obliged to pay for my expenses out of that. I now kind of think that's the reason she got me a job at the restaurant where she worked and before I knew it I was working more shifts

I still think they were just fattening the cat up so they could Sweeney Todd him into a sausage roll.

Concern trolls are concern trolls, whatever your size.

That is some weird-ass logic. You can say something interested you "as a woman" for example, and that doesn't mean you are referring to some past time when you were a woman but are no longer.


Actually plenty of starving people on aid rations "get to" be vegetarians. Not that they have much choice. Meat eating is a cause of world food shortages, not an answer for it.

I know you're probably trolling but as a vegetarian, I don't eat dead animals anymore. Not even out of convenience. That's kind of the whole "thing".

Food photoshop/lighting/make-up! Food shouldn't have to live up to your ridiculous standards. As a frequent consumer of the latter (a subway vege patty I take it?) I just want to point out that it's taste that matters, not appearance!

My cat only likes nature documentaries, and will go up and touch the screen during wide open shots where animals are moving across the screen. We're lucky our pets seem to have the same taste as their owners in television! Actually maybe it's unfortunate because they kinda get in the way.

Actually someone on here was saying the other day, that as far as the government is concerned, it actually does, because the income required to live above the poverty line is lower (can't remember the figure) for a married couple than it is for two single people. It is nothing but a little book-keeping trick.

Yeah this was complete garbage. I could see the point perhaps if they had drawn the line at "having kids". As in "with kids" versus "without kids" is the difference between living in poverty and not. It certainly would be in my case. But I fail to see how marriage is supposed to set you up financially when it

Sorry I didn't really mean shit, I meant a few punters were all oh, poor me, and "not another one" as someone else (can't remember who) did the same.

Not ironically?

Anyone who believes Lorde looks older than 17 needs to remember the OZONE HOLE she grew up under. We can thank the northern hemisphere for that one, cheers.