
Ah, the beauty of doing it part time is that I won't quit my day job. Here, where I live, the degree does count. It is the very reason I am looking into this. I did wonder about how the bigger salary would affect my chances against a cheaper candidate, but have been reassured that schools pay out of a government

I went to get the Master's in the hopes of teaching at community colleges (or, over here our equivalent, known as polytechs) because many of my tutors had only a Master's. However, by the time I got qualified they seemed to expect a PhD. God only knows how it will change again in three years, so I'm not prepared to

Oh for shame, all those people laughing at the poor, poor confused dogs. So mean.

I'm already in the student debt hole, from getting a Master's degree that hasn't lead to an improvement in employment prospects - in fact, it has probably negatively impacted them. Teaching is one way I can make my post grad degree actually count for something because it directly increases the starting salary straight

All very sensible advice, thank you. I like the idea that you need to get a foot in the door, but I have been burned several times in my current career by NOT getting a full time position when I was already working there part time or on a casual basis. I like the idea that loyalty is rewarded but I also hate sucking

Yes the subject demands are the same here but I think biology is the least in demand of the sciences because obviously, biology is awesome and everyone wants to teach it. I understand what you are saying about the low pay, but with a post grad degree my starting salary would be much higher than what I'm making now.

Parents post the darndest things.

I'm not sure the rules for private schools work the same over here, but I have definitely applied for other education vacancies relevant to my field. I imagine it might be easier to turn off after work with high school kids - because you have them coming and going all day rather than in "your" class it might be easier

Biology, in the loose sense. As is my Master's.

I am thinking about going back to school part time to become qualified as a high school teacher. I was originally going for an academic career but realized it's not so much the research but the teaching side I am interested in, and I've no interest in spending 3 more years getting a PhD. However there are not an

Because of it's appearance, catnip is often inevitably compared to weed, but I think ecstasy is a way better analogy. Cat nip mimics sexy time pheromones which make the cat act that way (which is why it only works on adult cats) so if you've ever sufferd a lovey-dovey handsy friend on E you'll agree that's a better


people regretted not furthering their education, not making better financial decisions

Her name is "Busy." BUSY. This person gets to name her child whatever she wants, with no judgement.

The best is when you've been out together in polite company and you've both been holding it in, so in the car on the way home you're harmonizing your toots and sharing the sweet, sweet relief. True love.

And Lorde is only 17. It's alright. Everything is going to be OK.

I've only worked with them, both in a zoo and at a pet shop - but I love them more than I ever thought it was possible to love a reptile!

I don't want to give away the ending or anything but the sequel is just called "Me." - Arj Barker

Now playing

Well if you feel like a cry, watch the awards show where Terry Irwin gives a lifetime award to Attenborough shortly after Steve's death. All the feels.

He was a ray of sunshine, that man.